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Would you be there for a Britney singing like Beyonce?


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No :nonono: i love Britney exactly like she is and how she sounds like, i wouldnt be a fan if not so why would i want to change anything?

and she has a x100000 better discography..   :yaknow:

And i never been a Beyonce fan, she is talented no question about it but i think she is overrated af and imo.. i find her booring, and tbh the last full song i heard from her was single ladies :yesokay:

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Not at all. Beyonce may have the more powerful voice, but it's not for me at all. I much prefer Britney's vocals, she knows her place when singing and doesn't try to overdo it like Beyonce does. I also think she's much better at conveying emotion with her voice than Beyonce does. 

As for discography, never. Britney's discography is one of a kind, her albums are easy to listen and relate to, I connect with Britney's music and I can listen to her songs constantly without getting bored. I've never had that with Beyonce, don't get me wrong some of her songs are good, but I would never be able to follow Britney if her music was like Beyonce's because Beyonce's music just doesn't interest me whatsoever. 

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