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1 minute ago, Anita **** said:

No everybody was just posting at the same moment and nobody would edit also the rules changed from -5 to -10 and it got really messy:bigtime:  

But Danny1994 updated count was about right

@DignifiedLove I just went back and looked and I think Anita is right. Looks like everyone was posting at once and it got confusing, I can't tell if it got killed or not so I'm going to just leave it the way it was. 

I ended up changing the rules because it was becoming too much with only 5 points for each track when we got down to about 6 or 7, which also caused some confusion. Next time I'll be more clear in the OP, sorry if this got messy towards the end guys! 

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2 minutes ago, DignifiedLove said:

@Chaoscontrol here is the post where Better was at 10. Then @Anita **** voted a -10 to Better which would have eliminated it but his/her mistake was that he quoted from a couple posts above the latest one. Had he referenced the updated post, Better would have been eliminated. 


Yeah I went back and saw all that. It def got messy with everyone posting at once. We're just going to use @Itachi 's newest update for now and keep going with it though. Sorry again everyone! 

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1 minute ago, Chaoscontrol said:

@DignifiedLove I just went back and looked and I think Anita is right. Looks like everyone was posting at once and it got confusing, I can't tell if it got killed or not so I'm going to just leave it the way it was. 

I ended up changing the rules because it was becoming too much with only 5 points for each track when we got down to about 6 or 7, which also caused some confusion. Next time I'll be more clear in the OP, sorry if this got messy towards the end guys! 


There was clearly a mess-up on page 24 and when you trace it back accordingly, Better would have been eliminated. Oh well, it's not your fault so it's okay boo.

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1 minute ago, Chaoscontrol said:

@DignifiedLove I just went back and looked and I think Anita is right. Looks like everyone was posting at once and it got confusing, I can't tell if it got killed or not so I'm going to just leave it the way it was. 

I ended up changing the rules because it was becoming too much with only 5 points for each track when we got down to about 6 or 7, which also caused some confusion. Next time I'll be more clear in the OP, sorry if this got messy towards the end guys! 

That's fine. "Better" better be revived. :woopsie:

i can't wait for Brenda Joan. I think all songs would be eliminated instantaneously. :shadelaugh:

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