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I was at Asia World Expo in Hong Kong...


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5 hours ago, Brichney. said:

Close? :gloria: Let me guess, you're a Millenial? Okay boo. :queenflopga:

all the Britney fans are Millenials :orangu: millenials are people born in the 90's, maturing and having adult life in the new century. This lil **** is obviously born after 2000 :ponderney: 

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1 minute ago, LostInAnImage said:

I'm way more focused on the Psy poster next to Britney's. Did he actually maintain longevity in his career, or does he just perform "Gangnam Style" for 90 minutes straight at his shows? 


nah hes pretty huge in Asia :mhm: all of his songs are big there

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5 hours ago, It'sSamB!tch said:

I am not speaking in 2000 terms cause the industry has changed and things are different now but yeah, Ariana is chart topping with sold out venues and constant airplay. She is even selling better than Gaga looking at concert tickets here.....

Sold out venues? where? she couldn't sell out almost any of her shows in the USA which is her country, not even the opening night was sold out.

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Guest Brichney.
6 hours ago, Oliver T said:

Nothing was sold out in France, like for Lyon they gave away hundreds of tickets on local radio stations for like one week.


Ikr? The Manchester attack helped her in the UK (she milked it) but still, even with that she's still not big. 

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9 hours ago, It'sSamB!tch said:

Okay but sweety thode countries haven't seen her for like 15 years or they never had at all. Meanwhile her last tour in the UK and EU was only like 5 years ago. Ofcourse the asian ones are sold out faster than here. I mean it is like comparing apples with pears imo

Ok but that doesn't actually mean on her relevance. If she wasn't relevant, she wouldn't have sold out, even if she hasn't toured there for 15 years 

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