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2 minutes ago, NiceSpears said:

Omg I love this look with the mask and the **** outfit so much. It's so **** and mysterious, don't care about the malfunction- break during the performance.

She could launch a new single and video with this look. 

Love love love it

This outfit is really amazing...  I hope she will use too in Vegas

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3 minutes ago, 3isacharm said:

she won't... after the malfunction they're going to eliminate the mask for sure 

Im not talking about the mask but the costume is amazing:queenriri:

3 minutes ago, avaaa said:

I think she was very very nervous from the start and this didn't help at all :meltdown:

Exactly, she always is nervous on the first shows.. imagine now when she saw over 30.000 people around her after so many years

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