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VMA 2007 - What was going on?


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Just now, Daniella said:

I never watched the full 2007 VMA's. I always thought Sarah Silverman came before Britney. I remember shows like ET saying Britney might have gotten pissed off from the comments so I thought maybe this was the problem but yeah, you probably know more about this. 

oh I'm sure she was pissed, I'm surprised she didn't come on stage and punched her :selenerz: , i would have

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Guest I Think I'm Ready Now

" Ten days before the VMAs, representatives from MTV, Jive and The Firm all gathered for a rehearsal in the dance studio. What they witnessed excited everyone. The source close to the record label said: ‘Everyone was psyched; Brit was effectively going through the motions and not at full speed, but she was ready. Was it great ? No. Was she back to her best ? No. But that girl had turned things around and was TV-ready’ There had been continued meetings ‘at least twice a week’ to ensure Britney stayed on track and mission impossible was close to succeeding.

On the eve of the show, the expected plan was that Britney would leave a pre-VMA party at the Hard Rock Hotel and retire to her suite in preparation for the big day. Instead, she hit the Vegas club-scene with Alli, attending the nearby Beatles Bar before proceeding to Jet nightclub at The Mirage.  After 3am, the group then proceeded to a party in a hotel suite until beyond 4am and, ‘it was obvious that Britney had been drinking like a fish that night.’  

The next morning, as Britney slept through till noon, the phones were melting with calls between MTV producers, Jive Records and The Firm management about the previous night’s antics, but the calmed consensus was that, ‘Brit had done the routine so many times she could do it with her eyes closed…She’ll be fine.’ 

But Britney’s mood, whether hangover induced or not, was plainly tetchy and she’d told her bodyguards she ‘wanted no one near me.’ When she withdrew to her dressing room, Alli did her job and obeyed instructions not to let anyone in, not even her record label representatives or Michelle Dupont. The rep who’d steered Britney through an intense five-week preparation was suddenly barred by an assistant who had decided to stay away until the big occasion beckoned.

In the dressing room, Britney’s anxieties were raging and she decided it would be a good idea to start drinking shots to calm her nerves. Whatever speculation there may have been about what Britney was taking before her performance, the mystery can now end—it was tequila shots, one after the other. Her prickliness wasn’t helped when Justin Timberlake popped by with a ‘good luck’ message. ‘He was cool and couldn’t have been friendlier but that definitely wigged her out more,’ said the source.

The camp’s spirits slightly rose when the positive influence of Britney’s brother, Bryan, showed up but, as one of the team said, ‘the writing was already on the wall because she was already ****** and freaking out over the littlest thing.’ As the source who is assisting with this backstage picture wishes to make clear: ‘Brit is someone wanting to be loved, not used, not treated like a robot, not there for everyone else to make money, and not working all the time. She’s never known what it’s like to make her own choices so she doesn’t know what a smart choice means. It was inevitable that she was going to reach the “**** It, **** You!” stage. The great sadness is that she reached it in the run-up to this big moment. But people need to understand that this wasn’t one moment: it was the culmination of many events that went before it.’

Panicking and in fear, Britney started to act out—guided by her twitching impulses. It was, by now, 90 minutes before the show began, and hair stylist Ken Paves, himself immaculate and groomed, entered the dressing room with an assistant, carrying the golden hair extensions in his little box. After his warm welcome in LA, he wasn’t expecting the frost that greeted him. ‘I don’t like him! I want his assistant,’ announced Britney. In the awkward moments that followed, his assistant quite rightly pledged her loyalty to Ken. As he diplomatically tried to smooth ruffled feathers, Britney instructed her bodyguard to eject him from her room.

The bodyguard, merely doing his job, forcibly removed the Hollywood stylist. In the corridor outside, observers saw Ken being shoved out the door, remonstrating loudly that ‘I’ve never been so insulted in my life!’ He was still carrying the hair extensions, carefully tissue-wrapped in his kit. Had MTV cameras managed to capture this opening act in the ensuing comedy of errors, it would have surely captured its best-ever behind-the-scenes special. Management and record label representatives were meanwhile on the floor in the auditorium, reassuring one another—and MTV producers—that everything was back on track after the night before.

Then word came through: ‘Britney’s just fired Ken Paves.’ As the situation was elevated to a code-red, management and record label finally gained access to the dressing room to speak with Britney. She explained that she didn’t like Ken’s attitude. ‘That’s great, Brit, but you need him right now. He has your hair extensions,’ she was told. Britney pondered this reality: ‘Okay then, he can come back,’ she said.

By now an understandably indignant hair stylist was many floors above, after retreating to his hotel room. Ken Paves wasn’t answering his phone or his door. Colleagues say he was ‘beside himself’. Now, with one headstrong artiste to control, and one upset stylist to calm, the team had a difficult impasse to resolve. With Ken in lock-down, and expressing his candid thoughts about Britney, a truce wasn’t imminent. In her dressing room, Britney seemed oblivious to the distress she had caused.

In the corridor, MTV runners and producers grew agitated with the clock running down. ‘Where are her ******* hair extensions?!’ asked someone. ‘With Ken Paves,’ explained the label. ‘And where’s he? ’ ‘In his room…but we’re working on it.’ It dawned on MTV that their opening act was playing up—and she had no hair. Suddenly, Nelly Furtado’s stylist came to the rescue, offering her assistance—but Britney still needed hair extensions.

It was then decided that the only option was to get the keys for the hotel hair salon, open it up and use some of its hair extensions. The source said: ‘It was amazing the curve-balls that were being thrown that night, and even more amazing that we were begging for Britney’s hair from the hotel salon, but by now everyone was frying—apart from Britney.’

In her dressing room, Britney was observed knocking back another shot. Once Nelly Furtado’s stylist had saved the day and ‘done her best’, everyone was asked to leave the dressing room so that Britney could slip into her striking Trish Somerville one-piece. ‘I’ve got it,’ Alli reassured everyone, ‘but she cannot talk to anyone right now.’ If anyone was accustomed to these temperamental moments, it was Alli, and so everyone decided to back off. The dressing-room door shut, and the lock clicked.

Britney was locked away with her assistant and another friend. With half an hour to go before MTV went live, its producers still found Britney locked inside with her pensive team on the outside. This wasn’t the most reassuring sight. The source said: ‘Now the producers started freaking out, saying, “Will she come out? Why can’t you get her to come out ?!”’ Every time anyone knocked, the door remained locked. ‘Ten minutes, everyone! We’ve got ten minutes,’ someone shouted. Seven minutes before going live’, and to everyone’s relief, they heard the dressing-room door unlock.

As it pulled open, Britney came into view—but she wasn’t wearing the designated Trish Somerville, flattering one-piece. What the ****?!’ someone else shouted. Britney, wearing her hotel salon hair extensions, stood there in a black bra, black hot pants and fishnets, showing an unflattering paunch. When her team looked in her eyes, ‘it was obvious she was somewhere else but present.’ That perhaps explained why she didn’t see the collective look of horror that greeted her from the faces around her.

Alli spoke for her instead, announcing Britney, ‘had wanted to go for it.’ Years of training had misled her that ‘**** sells’, and so her low-esteem made a disastrous choice, and the assistant backed her. But the management wasn’t having it. Britney’s reps insisted she change back into the Trish Somerville outfit. ‘It’s too late…It’s too ****** late! We’ve got to get her on stage!’ shouted an MTV assistant, liaising through an earpiece with the control room, and Britney was led away. "


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Looking at the performance now it doesn't look as bad as it seemed back in the day... any other female performer who did that probably would have been praised so it's just to show how the standards for Britney in general were so high especially at the vma's... I think I might actually prefer it to the 2016 performance :idkney:

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3 minutes ago, troubleguy said:

luv her blue eyes and fierce look in the beginning :forkit:

YESSSS! That's why this performance is confusing because she manages to look:

FIERCE yet vacant

CONFIDENT yet uncertain

SHARP yet unsteady

Going to watch again now to see if my poor brain can make sense of it all :nyheadache:

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8 hours ago, iamtylor said:

yes i remember that story that she locked herself in her dressing room and cut her extensions halfway off. she was suppose to wear a corset but felt that wasn't **** enough. i love this era 

she had the same length extensions then in the rehearse video, so i don't think she cut it right before the performance.

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10 hours ago, Daniella said:

I heard she was pissed off from that ***** who called her children mistakes. Also, yeah, britney looked a bit out of it but you know what? That choreography was flat out terrible to begin with. No amount of energy could salvage it. 

gurl is u okay? :beynah: that kind of choreo is what we pra for currentney to have 

look at the performance done properly by that group and u will how good it was gonna be :kidcries:

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2 hours ago, BritBreakitDown20 said:

gurl is u okay? :beynah: that kind of choreo is what we pra for currentney to have 

look at the performance done properly by that group and u will how good it was gonna be :kidcries:

That choreo is good by today's standards. Back then, it was not Britney's style to dance that way. She always had choreography that had elements of hip hop and grooving where she could add her own thing  to it. It was a bad choreo by Primeney's standards. I personally (still) think that the choreo is bad. It could have been a lot better. It wasn't fluid at all.

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