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Britney Spears Performs With Tinashe At The Triple Ho Show In San Jose

Jordan Miller

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3 hours ago, Perfect Britney said:

except she's not fat now

You're such a FAB fan. :angietea:



She wasn't FAT during FF Tour! I've seen her live back then, she had some loose skin (normal thing after losing a lot of wight, and when you don't workout regularly).

She was always "thick" round her thighs, even now she seems a bit "stronger" than couple of months ago. But that's not important at all. She's performing for you FABs, so stop shading her past! Ungrateful b*tches! :nochillbrit:


BTW lots of people abuse the term "FAT" without thinking about the effect it creates. Guess you're such a hot piece of pure meat, with BFI of 0.5%, so you can call someone fat? :bcutelaugh: I always regret coming back here, cause of this ridiculously bitchy fanbase. :nickishade:

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