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Can We Please Have Britney On SNL Already.....


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Why do we need to be begging for things that Britney team should have done years ago :sassybrit::sassybrit:

Her team needs to move their *** and for once and do something in time

I want her to perform SP :hipney: and another song ( but no Make me or DYWCO)

Just luv me

Love me down

Just like me

chnge your mind

or even mood ring

In December albums sales go sky high  and will have iconic moments 





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YES YES YES YES. Why this has yet to happen, I don't know - this has been said a ton on here, but she needs to do a stripped down set with some good backing vocals and sing LIVE. Either JLM would be great stripped down & acoustic. This would be such good exposure for her and a great way for people to get "re-introduced" to Britney since the GP has such a concrete preconceived notion of her. 

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3 hours ago, telluwhat said:

If Britney can perform on billboard awards from different venue and pre-tapped performance

so could the SNL bend the rules for her

That doesn't make any sense. That was due to her contact with Planet Hollywood, and the Billboard Awards don't have any restrictions on who performs where. They've shown pre-recorded tour performances before from the likes of Katy Perry.

SNL couldn't care less if she comes on or not, she hasn't been on the show since 2003 and it doesn't matter who she is, if she wants to be on SNL she has to sing live.

How ridiculous would she look lip syncing to her CD on that small stage where she can barely do her usual skipping-armography dancing while everyone else is able to just stand there and sing live?

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Maybe as the host because she's really funny but not the performer. We all thought doing VMAs would be a good idea, it wasnt. We begged for her to do Carpool karaoke, it was a mess. And honestly all she is gonna do is a mini vegas show...and we already have Vegas so... I don't see the point TBH. She isn't gonna sing live, she isn't gonna do new choreo, she isn't gonna do something unexpected like an acoustic set. I don't get what would be exciting about that 

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