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[WEEK 2, LET'S MAKE IT #1] Vote for "Slumber party" on Top 25 radio list! (UPDATE: IT'S #3 CURRENTLY & BEST VOTED NEW SONG FOR THIS WEEK, KEEP VOTING)

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1 minute ago, button said:

??? :decisions:

lmao sorry, I wanted to write in English first but then I couldn't bother.

Basically the other biggest station in the country, TDI Radio, premiered the song today (took them long enough) and they wrote that Glory is her 9th album and SP is the first single :rude2me: But someone corrected them in the comments. though just 73 likes isn't a really great showcase, but it should do good if we keep requesting it there. I can't since I'm busy all day at Uni and have no time.

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21 minutes ago, marrecarney said:

lmao sorry, I wanted to write in English first but then I couldn't bother.

Basically the other biggest station in the country, TDI Radio, premiered the song today (took them long enough) and they wrote that Glory is her 9th album and SP is the first single :rude2me: But someone corrected them in the comments. though just 73 likes isn't a really great showcase, but it should do good if we keep requesting it there. I can't since I'm busy all day at Uni and have no time.

Is there a link to vote? Or we must request on the twitter you posted?

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2 hours ago, marrecarney said:

LMAO TDI je danas konacno imao premijeru SP i na fejsu napisali da je deveti album Glory i da je SP prvi singl :saycheese: Sreca pa je neko odmah ispravio u komentarima, ali valjda ce sada vise pustati, steta sto nemam kada da slusam radio niti da trazim pesmu jer sam ceo dan na faksu :yeahsure:


Nisu jedini koji tako misle. Ljudi uopste nisu upuceni da postoji "Make me". Toliko su dobro ispromovisali najavni singl, da samo fanovi znaju za pesmu. :embarrassney:

Retko kad slusam TDI inace. Play pustim tako ponekad u kolima ili kad me bas mrzi da trazim pesme po racunaru i youtubeu. Kako funkcionisu njihove top liste? :receipts2:

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20 hours ago, button said:

Is there a link to vote? Or we must request on the twitter you posted?

You can request via their site, but you have to register (and also request on serbian). I don't know if you can request on their facebook page, I don't think they even use their twitter account. They are that kind of station that just plays what's popular among young people and just look at the reactions on facebook once they post a song. You can like the post on the link I gave.

18 hours ago, BritneyIsPurePerfection said:

Nisu jedini koji tako misle. Ljudi uopste nisu upuceni da postoji "Make me". Toliko su dobro ispromovisali najavni singl, da samo fanovi znaju za pesmu. :embarrassney:

Retko kad slusam TDI inace. Play pustim tako ponekad u kolima ili kad me bas mrzi da trazim pesme po racunaru i youtubeu. Kako funkcionisu njihove top liste? :receipts2:

Ne znam, ja davno nisam slusao radio, Play nikada, TDI sam ranije redovno, a i 99% ljudi je isti radio slusalo, kao i sada. Doduse ne znam da li se i koliko promenilo u medjuvremenu.

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21 hours ago, marrecarney said:

LMAO TDI je danas konacno imao premijeru SP i na fejsu napisali da je deveti album Glory i da je SP prvi singl :saycheese: Sreca pa je neko odmah ispravio u komentarima, ali valjda ce sada vise pustati, steta sto nemam kada da slusam radio niti da trazim pesmu jer sam ceo dan na faksu :yeahsure:


Vreme je za naxi :mhm:

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