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The Unauthorized Britney Biopic For Lifetime Is Titled 'Britney Ever After' And Premieres Next Month

Jordan Miller

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1 hour ago, Taystee said:

The worse thing is the potential effect it could have on the boys tbh. If and when brit has a conversation with them, it should be when they are older and also on her accord. They're not even thinking about the repercussions this could have. 


I doubt they watch lifetime 

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53 minutes ago, ItsGodneyB**ch said:

Stop the meltdowns

Do you really think the GP cares and is gonna waste time watching that ****? LMFAO

Ppl are being way to dramatic over it. 

Like no one will know about it unless fans keep posting about it all the time more ppl will be curious. 

Just ignore it. 


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8 hours ago, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

those generic "Music Awards" signs are terrible.

so what are they going to do for her music, obviously they cant user her official tunes in the movie.

If Myah Marie records the songs nobody will know it isn't Britney 

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13 minutes ago, On the Scene said:

What actually happened (to my understanding) is that Britney was fed up with the paparazzi (& probably her life dramas in general) and hit one of THEIR trucks ONCE then ran back to her car yelling, "**** you!" 

A sad situation? Yes. But that type of **** happens at sports games when the home team looses. :britdrown: No one calls those dudes crazy. 

Yeah that's pretty much what happened, but Lifetime just had to exaggerate it to the max :embarrassney:

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2 minutes ago, Taystee said:

They don't actually have to watch it in order for it to have an impact on their life sis.

Yeah but they still have about 2-3 years before kids at school start figuring out who Britney is and googling her unless they're parents start telling them bad things first which would be unfortunate and immature of them 

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MESS :xcuseme:

Why are they shooting stuff that didn't happen? That umbrella scene is RIDICULOUS with her screaming like the exorcist! Britney smashed that umbrella in a very elegant way! She only said "**** you! **** yourself!". She didn't scream like a possessed cow.

Those soccer moms from the midwest will believe everything they watch in this mess. ***** PLEASE :grimace:

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