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I Seriously Don't Get The Hate Private Show Gets


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Just now, - Kyle - said:

The lyrics. of the chorus. "werk it werk it..."

And i expected like a key change at the end. :orangu:


Yeah I wasn't fond of the werk/twerk part but it's definitely grown on me. And please lbr, I love the song but she sings that chorus high enough, I couldn't deal with a key change :haha:

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11 hours ago, fanman08 said:

I absolutely love it. The verses ARE amaze and it stays interesting throughout the entire song. The only lackluster part is PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVATE SHOOOOOW. That's a lil grating 


I would have liked the chorus more if they took down a notch the "private show" bit (this is the only complain someone could have tbh), but I honestly don't know why so many people don't like it. 

Her attitude on it is amazing, the last lines alone make the whole song worth listening! She plays around with her voice and I love it!

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7 hours ago, DaxCass said:

Private Show,Hard To Forget Ya and Love Me Down are the songs that I skip everytime I heard Glory

I used to skip Clumsy too but the beat on the chorus is so ******* good!!! (I don't like EDM though)

How can you skip Love Me Down? It's literally the best song on the album (Maybe tied with Slumber Party) and how can you like the beat on the chorus of Clumsy? It literally sounds like a BJ reject in the chorus... The rest of the song is okay, I guess, but the chorus is by far the weakest part of the song...

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13 hours ago, OCBoy1985 said:

On "Exhale"?

I just don't you'll praise 3 but not Private Show?

Its seriously is a highlight for Glory!

Its so infectious!!!  Its innovative .., catchy... radio friendly and has an amazing chorus and bridge and the ending is EPIC!

Its classic Britney on ********... She went off on this song!!

 She sounds so good and has so much soul belting out on the chorus and the production is EPIC!

This would be EPIC with the video like the commercial with just her and they could get the guy she picked in the MM video!

Everyone I play PS for loves it and The fans on FB and other sites seem to love it & the other bases like it too ... but why not Exhale?

Private Show is what she needs something that has classic Britney feel but a new sound for her at the same time...

I agree. I was so surprised by this song and at first, I did not really liked it but now, I really enjoy it.

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