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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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2 hours ago, Jsolanoofficial said:

I'm not gonna lie, in my opinion she looked kinda like a cheap ********.... I love her but all ofΒ her moves were taken from ********* I swear..... she only had one great part and that was when she walked off stage because lbr she stunk it up compared to the other artist who were there. She didn't dance, she didn't sing and omg why are we praising her just for looking good. Most of the performers looked good tonight but brought more than just that to the table.... she's literally tarnishing her legacy one era at a time...

Please continue to preach the truth...nobody wants to hear it...but it is the truth.

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13 minutes ago, BlackoutGermany said:

some people say that she isnt allowed to performe the songs which she doesnt perfome in POM, is that true?

I'm pretty sure that if she performs anywhere in Vegas she has to do songs that are part of the POM show per her contract with PH because before she wasn't even allowed to perform anywhere else inΒ Vegas so now I'm sure PH's stipulations are it must be POM related. If iHeart had taken place in LA I think she would've done at least 1 more Glory track.

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2 hours ago, chris_fives said:

It was ok!

Her entrance, outfit, energy, confidence, Slave remix...

But gurl, you have new album and you promote Missy Elliott?! :orangu: And those vocals are really bothering me now. It's clear she has to lipsync cause she's out of breath after few tracks and I'm fine with that as long her energy is good but it has to be done with new vocals :lessons: It's just embarrassing that 35 years old woman sings with her CD vocals from '99 :jackk:



...I agree...it's nice she helps other artists, etc. However, she needs to help herself, first. A few pre-recorded updated vocals isn't much to ask with live singers on the same stage.

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1 minute ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

I'm pretty sure that if she performs anywhere in Vegas she has to do songs that are part of the POM show per her contract with PH because before she wasn't even allowed to perform anywhere else inΒ Vegas so now I'm sure PH's stipulations are it must be POM related. If iHeart had taken place in LA I think she would've done at least 1 more Glory track.

yes but she performed Me myself and i..soo i dont know

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7 minutes ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

I don't understand all the complaining I thought this was really great, my only issue was the Toxic routine I think it could've been better and had she done the BBMA routine this would've been a flawless show! I also think pre-recorded vocals would've been the cherry on top......this performance though made me realize that she could totally do the Superbowl!Β 

I'm sorry but if there's so much that her own fanbase is critiquing and finding embarrassing what do you think FootballΒ fans (typicallyΒ straight males that have no interest in her type of music) will think of her lipsynching and awkwardly walking around the stageΒ for 15 minutes?Β 

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I'm disappointed, again. I want to love her shows so much, but I can't, I'm bored.

The outfit is ridiculous to me, especially this skirt, I wish someday she could wear trousers or I don't know, something more classy. She doesn't really dance anyway (moving her arms and hair is not dancing). And if you don't dance, at least sing, it's supposed to be your job!Β 

Sorry I might be a little (a lot I confess :)) hard on her, it's just that we all know she worth more than that! I'm sick that she gives haters a reason to hate. She has amazing songs, an amazing voice, and could dance like no others. That's why it's such a waste to me. Anyway, it was good to see her.Β 

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I think it was great up until MM hehe. She needed more moves with Toxic but it was fine, it needed pre-recorded vocals tbh. I think it was a great performance, I was really into it tbh and I really liked it. I wish she used the choreo from the BBMA's for Toxic, but other than that I really liked it. Her outfit was giving me some Slave 4 U realness, like I really liked her outfit and her look that night, my only complain would be the black top, like keep the jewelry but change it to like a hot bra like BOM POM style.

ButΒ I kinda wish she changed it up completely and did like all Glory songs and let her dancers do the choreo while she sings live or at least lip sync to some convincing pre-recorded vocals (which is not too hard to ask tbh) or like do some songs that calls for choreo like DYWCO. That's my only complain tbh, like just her changing it up a bitΒ 

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