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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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4 minutes ago, TheLightningThief said:

I loved it! Wasn't expecting anything different from POM so... :saycheese:


I'm just bummed that their priority is promoting Vegas not Glory.:embarrassney:

Her Vegas show is probably top priority for her team being that it's more than likely the primary source of income. She's not that marketable anymore so I'm not sure about endorsement deals. But I'm certain she's not making much off of sales of her music.

So yeah unless she plans a tour I don't think fans should expect her to promote the album in a traditional sense. These platforms are to attract interest to Vegas where she gets majority of her money.

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It was  GREAT performance!! :omgreallyney: She was there for almost 30 minutes, it's awesome to see her WORKING. But... The choreo could've been better in terms of execution, she still looked lost in some moments (Crazy was literally cringe-worthy!). I think she's doing great tbh, she just needs to stop with Vegas for some time and focus on ha NEW ************* ALBUM ffs, she can't just keep promoting Piece Of Me, she did that three years ago! :mhmsureny:

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1 minute ago, DaRealMVP said:

Let me just correct you on something. 

I don't wish the return of primeney because it's not gonna happen. I just wish she would dance and have great fun onstage. She doesn't seem to be doing either.

Contrary to you, I don't worship her. I love her, she is a big part of my childhood, I only want the best for her but I have eyes on my face and opinions.  If she just wants to be a mom, go be a mom. She doesn't have to worry about money or anything anymore. She clearly wants to be out there because she delivered another album (and an amazing one!) but she is not making the best of it and that's what annoys me.

Personally, I enjoyed this performance maybe just because BRITNEY SPEARS (the person and the performer) was there, she was present, she was confident and she was fierce! This is Britney from nowadays, enjoying and having fun on stage with nothing to prove! Yes, she delivered good music but the promo isn't over! I have faith she's going to the AMA's and she will sing a new song or two from Glory wich is amazing! Also, the Jonathan(idk exactly the name of the show) show is coming.... she won't do a medley, of course she will perform a new song!

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40 minutes ago, colormefresh said:

It was just POM brought to a different venue. :zoomzoom:

So my opinion is that it's a 3 year old routine. Stale. Dry. Moldy. :nothavingit:

They know the GP hasn't seen it so they decided to be lazy. It's a slap in the face to everyone who *bought* Glory (her loyal fans). They didn't give us anything new to work with. :sobbing:

The only people who walked away happy are the anti-leotard nazis. *I* don't give a **** what she wears, I care about the performance. :mhmsureny:

anti-leotard nazis hahahaha slay


She's not a model to be judged by her outfits. They're important but complementary. Focus should be on her performance which IN MY ******* OPINION (ok britards?? OPINION) it was a bit lacklustre.. I only really enjoyed WB and Slave. The rest was meh.. same haiflips and armography and poses. It's sad because her energy is on point, it seems there's so much potential wasted.

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1 hour ago, Curious_1110 said:

It's not that they don't notice, they just don't care. She uses spectacle, lighting, energy to draw people's attention elsewhere. Same with Michael Jackson he lipped just as much as Britney but he's hardly ever criticized for it 

The delusion. Beyonce may lip-sync but she sings live a lot too. Britney NEVER sings live now, not even one word. Also, Beyonce puts on a ******** performance... every thing she does is rehearsed and effective. It's embarrassing that you use her as an excuse as to why Britney should be allowed to get away with lip-synching. Again with Michael...he danced his *** off, Britney doesn't. There's literally NO excuse for Britney. 

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No I don't think she did that great. She had her moments sure but overall it was lackluster. Her hair was ****. I'm glad there was no leotards. Her energy just wasn't really there. I'm appalled she didn't perform any glory songs besides the ones she does at POM. I really don't think there's a second single coming now and she will be destroyed by the gp if she does this at Apple Music fest. Sorry to be negative but The bbmas were 100x better. Even the vmas were better. Im just dissapointed when I saw her at POM in July she had a million times more energy

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59 minutes ago, ItsGodneyB**ch said:

Who thought it wasn't planned gurl?


After the vma's there were rumors (excuses really) that Britney and her team were pissed because she was supposed to sing me, myself and I live and the sound guy hadn't turned on her mic.

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