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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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15 minutes ago, LilyRoseAllen said:

Did I say something about Beyoncé's music in terms of quality or what? Don't be pretentious, Crazy in Love, Single Ladies, Halo, Irrepleacable and Drunk in Love are huge hits. Go to a club, people go crazy... I'm not fond of Thiefoncé but she fools everyone by almost innovating her shows, singing new songs sorry... Stop defending Britney for her lame festival perf!

Crazy In Love, her biggest and most well-known hit it's a sample! Yes, she's fooling everyone, including you! And YES, Britney iHeart show was L I T ! 

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3 hours ago, Style. said:

The ******* Queen Of Pop killed it at iHeart, it was like 2003 all over again and I'm so proud about this *****! 

Her body is insane, the outfit it's iconic already and her energy was beyond A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Without any ******* PROPS she nailed that stage, she's the definition of X FACTOR! She is one of the best performer OF ALL TIME! 

She was serving looks, good choreo, energy, face, attitude and FIERCENESS !!!!! 



The delusion. She didn't kill it. It was an ok performance, nothing else. 

I didn't watch it live, so when I saw the pictures I thought it had been huge. Her body was fire, the outfit was a-mazing, her body language seemed incredible and them I watched the performance... 

Where is the choreography? Where is the excitement? The only great part was the WB intro, nothing else!

She wasn't dancing, she was moving! There's a big difference. I mean, songs like Slave, Toxic, etc, big bangers, there were times I wanted to dance and her to dance and she was just standing there. 

As I said in a previous thread, and although I am thankful she started doing festivals and award shows again, I think she is killing her career. Her level now is mediocre to say the least and it hurts.

I am sorry for the harsh words but it exactly what I'm feeling. You might say it's the best Britney since FF but it doesn't mean it is a good Britney.

Feel free to down vote me as much as you want :sickofu:

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31 minutes ago, jrtjoe said:

Quite enjoyed the performance and she looked great but she did look a little lost at times. I noticed something (and maybe I'm just looking in to this too much) but it happened several times - when she's walking across the stage, up some stairs, down to the front etc - a dancer seems to literally stop her from walking and turn her round. Like, she doesn't know where to stop. There was another time she looked geniunely shocked when a dancer took her arm and led her across the stage.

Slave energy was fireeee

Re DYWCO - Can SOMEONE tell her the bits of the chorus she's supposed to lip sync? That **** is getting embarassing

I noticed it too. I forget which song, but she turned around to walk away from the audience and one of the dancers grabbed her and spun her around the right way lol. MESS. Still loved the performance. 

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Just now, DaRealMVP said:

The delusion. She didn't kill it. It was an ok performance, nothing else. 

I didn't watch it live, so when I saw the pictures I thought it had been huge. Her body was fire, the outfit was a-mazing, her body language seemed incredible and them I watched the performance... 

Where is the choreography? Where is the excitement? The only great part was the WB intro, nothing else!

She wasn't dancing, she was moving! There's a big difference. I mean, songs like Slave, Toxic, etc, big bangers, there were times I wanted to dance and her to dance and she was just standing there. 

As I said in a previous thread, and although I am thankful she started doing festivals and award shows again, I think she is killing her career. Her level now is mediocre to say the least and it hurts.

I am sorry for the harsh words but it exactly what I'm feeling. You might say it's the best Britney since FF but it doesn't mean it is a good Britney.

Feel free to down vote me as much as you want :sickofu:

I am not down voting you because I don't care about you and your opinion! I tought everyone would understand that Britney is not a 20 years old girl, she's a ******* mom and her priority are her children! So back off, YOU ARE THE DELUSIONAL ONE because you don't understand this and keep wishing for the big return of MISS AMERICAN DREAM! Well, too bad for you, she's a QUEEN now! Haide Bai Bai 

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41 minutes ago, WootsWow said:

The issue is the performances probably won't attract "people who haven't watched every single POM show" at all. And these people won't be lenient towards her lip synch lbr. She and her team needs to understand the demographic

1. Fans - watched most POM videos/attended in person. Most likely wouldn't mind lip synch. Thirsty for danceney/controversialney moment.

2. GP - those who have "britney is crazy/untalented/cant sing/has been" mentality. And they WILL shred her apart for lip synching.

3. Britards - minority of the population and is diminishing as we speak. defends every single air britney breathes in. probably could ignore this.


She's not pleasing either group of her demographic at all. Homegirl needs to take a marketing class. Just saying:awks:

This is all true. She HAS to re-brand. All she's doing on this current promo run is cementing the idea that she's a has been/dated performer.

Her team needs to go to other shows, get ideas and a feel for what's current. Her performance style is incredibly dated 

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1 minute ago, Style. said:

I am not down voting you because I don't care about you and your opinion! I tought everyone would understand that Britney is not a 20 years old girl, she's a ******* mom and her priority are her children! So back off, YOU ARE THE DELUSIONAL ONE because you don't understand this and keep wishing for the big return of MISS AMERICAN DREAM! Well, too bad for you, she's a QUEEN now! Haide Bai Bai 

Let me just correct you on something. 

I don't wish the return of primeney because it's not gonna happen. I just wish she would dance and have great fun onstage. She doesn't seem to be doing either.

Contrary to you, I don't worship her. I love her, she is a big part of my childhood, I only want the best for her but I have eyes on my face and opinions.  If she just wants to be a mom, go be a mom. She doesn't have to worry about money or anything anymore. She clearly wants to be out there because she delivered another album (and an amazing one!) but she is not making the best of it and that's what annoys me.

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