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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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Quite enjoyed the performance and she looked great but she did look a little lost at times. I noticed something (and maybe I'm just looking in to this too much) but it happened several times - when she's walking across the stage, up some stairs, down to the front etc - a dancer seems to literally stop her from walking and turn her round. Like, she doesn't know where to stop. There was another time she looked geniunely shocked when a dancer took her arm and led her across the stage.

Slave energy was fireeee

Re DYWCO - Can SOMEONE tell her the bits of the chorus she's supposed to lip sync? That **** is getting embarassing

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1 hour ago, acla said:

And when you expect the most basic performance, they still manage to be bellow your expectations. The only saving grace was the outfit.

I mean, why are you doing festivals to promote Glory when you only perform two songs of it? At this point I'm starting to believe they're just promoting Vegas. Also, this made it clear that lipsynching at the VMA's was planned and that Britney/her team don't care about her fans/GP opinion.

Who thought it wasn't planned gurl?


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She had amazing energy throughout but honestly there was a lot of hopping around and arm movements. I give her a lot of credit for going out there with confidence but it just seems choreography is no longer that important (which is what "justifies" lip syncing) :idkney:

& of course more Glory promotion would have been nice but hey slay that Missy Elliot promo girl :yesokay:

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It was just POM brought to a different venue. :zoomzoom:

So my opinion is that it's a 3 year old routine. Stale. Dry. Moldy. :nothavingit:

They know the GP hasn't seen it so they decided to be lazy. It's a slap in the face to everyone who *bought* Glory (her loyal fans). They didn't give us anything new to work with. :sobbing:

The only people who walked away happy are the anti-leotard nazis. *I* don't give a **** what she wears, I care about the performance. :mhmsureny:

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8 minutes ago, LilyRoseAllen said:

I put her on the same level as Beyoncé, continuance and nothing exciting. At least the other one performs new hits! Who cares listening to old hits that are 15 years old? Ever been to a festival? Artists mainly perform their new stuff... It's not as if she had a 40 years career and had to do that. She has an amazing album that came out a month ago. LMFAO to all those negatives points you also get when you spill the truth. No wonders she flops with Glory...smh

Beyonce could never perform her older hits because she has none! Half of her hits are samples and the other half aren't big enough so everyone wouldn't know them! And let's not praise Beyonce for her music because she has a shitty discography compared to Britney's! They are diff. type of artists, Beyonce put a lot more effort in her performances just to prove the world she's a queen while Britney is doing ha' thing, she's not promoting to prove something, she's already a big icon next to Bey.

Let's not pretend that the GP saw Britney' Piece Of Me Show and now they are dissapointed! :rihcackle:

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at the beginning I wasnt feeling it but...damn she killed slave soooo goood :orangu: the missy medley was cool :carpoolney: toxic was amazing (from beginnning to end) :lustney: and the rest was just like "i dont want this to end" :thirsty: she definitely did an amazing job. im proud.


of  course the lip synching was cringe-worthy, yes yes it is but oh well...whatever. she killed the rest.

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1 minute ago, Style. said:

Beyonce could never perform her older hits because she has none! Half of her hits are samples and the other half aren't big enough so everyone wouldn't know them! And let's not praise Beyonce for her music because she has a shitty discography compared to Britney's! They are diff. type of artists, Beyonce put a lot more effort in her performances just to prove the world she's a queen while Britney is doing ha' thing, she's not promoting to prove something, she's already a big icon next to Bey.

Let's not pretend that the GP saw Britney' Piece Of Me Show and now they are dissapointed! :rihcackle:

Did I say something about Beyoncé's music in terms of quality or what? Don't be pretentious, Crazy in Love, Single Ladies, Halo, Irrepleacable and Drunk in Love are huge hits. Go to a club, people go crazy... I'm not fond of Thiefoncé but she fools everyone by almost innovating her shows, singing new songs sorry... Stop defending Britney for her lame festival perf!

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I liked it only because she looked comfortable and that makes me happy. It's a huge step for her. :yay:

But if I weren't a fan, if I didn't know what she's been through (meaning that I just know a bit more about personal struggles than what GP know ---> she just went crazy) I would find this performance a bit boring. :ehum:

When GP think of Brit they think about amazing performances and if they're not proper fans they might not even know about second breakdown (that we think it happened, even though it's not sure), at least in Europe. I started stanning in 2014 and I didn't know. So they can't appreciate how far she's come! :tbh:

I thought it was ok overall because I love her but there are so many things that could have been done better:

- songs (only 2 songs from Glory it's ridiculous. If I were GP, I would think she just wants to live off her old fame. Contrary to listening more new songs and think "mmm this is actually really good. I'll check her out")

- pre-recorded vocals or at least some bits live (I think everyone agrees on that. Although I'm also fine with lipsynching, if I were GP, I would think "ooh look. There's Britney. Lipping. What's new? Bye")

- this is the thing that bothered me the most ----> I know she's not the dancer she was over a decade ago, BUT there were some bits of the performance that were just boring! When Toxic started the crowd went crazy (or was going to) but then the choreo was underwhelming. Too many slow moves for a fast song tbh. Same in other parts. It's like she was dancing to FTBOMBH during Toxic. It looked a bit messy imo.

My final thought is: as a fan, I liked it. She's gotten better and that's great. So happy for her! It's great to see her be comfortable again! :clap: I love her no matter and I'm so grateful she's even doing what she does, considering she could have retired looong ago after what she's been through.

As GP, that was really nothing special. It would just be "meh".

Sorry for long post, I tried to give an opinion with two different points of view (and not just my delusional one) :dontcare:

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