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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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38 minutes ago, really really cool guy said:

you can love it but it will never come close to this:

and the performance was not that well received because of that yellow leotard 

Trust, I ain't mad about this. 

This literally looks like an "old Britney" look. 

So if she's gonna stick to POM greatest hits with album vocals, she might as well dress the part. :)

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Fan since BOMT :saycheese:

it's incredible to see how far she's come, the difference since FF and even BJ is amazing! My favourite thing about this era is how happy she looks!! Ive missed her amazing personality, it was always there but I think what she went through shadowed it for a while but she's got such a genuine smile now, I'm so glad she's in a good place and feeling confident enough to get out there again! Super super proud of her!! 

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24 minutes ago, IconicShow said:


DAT STRUT. :carpoolney:


you know, I was about 9 or 10 when Brinny first came on the scene. I had been walking for almost a decade, but I never truly learned to walk until primeney taught me how.


tonight, she taught me how to walk all over again. She inspired me in a way I haven't seen in years and for that, I owe her at least 3.5 bags of Cheetos from a vending machine of her choice.

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She ****** happy agian and killing stage the  at least she didn't look stiff and be blanked face like back in 2011  she won't give is 02 coregrapher so forget it shouldve forget it back in 2007 she is fire in 2016 and I'm happy so if my ***** wants to smile and lipsynch while killing the stage I'm absolutely love it cus I love everything my queen does and she was amazing and tonight good bye!:comingthru:

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17 minutes ago, britney_rocks said:

I think I have a higher standards than most Britney fans nowadays. I don't know if its because I've been a fan of her since day one, or what, but I just expect more from a performer who used to command the stage, and her own dancers couldn't keep up with her. While a lot of her fans seem to go crazy over these performance, I just watch them, and just see something different. To me she just looks like she can't wait for them to be over. It looks more like a rehearsal than anything. Her dance moves just looks amateur. This was a girl who had memorable choreographies, every performance was on point. I don't know whats the definition of on point to most people here is, but to me, she hasn't had a on point performance since her breakdown. The arm waving, the hair flipping, the walking from point A to point B, the fake looking flirting with her dancers schtick, and the bad lipping is getting old. Yeah, she looks good, but that doesn't sell music anymore like it used to, at least not in her case. 

Exactly my thoughts, she was once the person who inspired me to become a dancer and major in that and now she just jumps around acting "****" and I'm like wtf, her dance moves are what we're ****, her big numbers and breakdowns. Yeah she ran around on stage for 30 minutes but what did she really do in terms of choreo other that 20 second to 30 seconds at most. The rest of the time she kind of looked like an amateur ********...

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She was great, And we loved it.

The thing is: she connected with the audience 2 times, when she spoke. And glad she did it!

If she sang a little bit, parts os the songs, even if it wasnt perfect, she would be praised by EVERYBODY.

All the girls sing messy live, Britney shouldnt be so afraid of throwing 1 verse per song.

Look how it changed when g eazy came because he was alive



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