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MY Tracklist for Iheart radio


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3 hours ago, Damon said:

I'd like to see- 

My Baby (lip-synced)
Dear Diary (lip-synced with armography)
Girl In The Mirror (Britney isn't on stage for this performance)
-You Got It All interlude-
Out From Under (Britney is on a swing and lip-syncs the track)
Body Ache (the ballad remix, lip-synced)
Chillin' With You (Jamie Lynn appears via Skype- Britney is not present on stage)
I Will Still Love You (Don Philip appears on stage while Britney sits on the ground and lip-syncs)

Britney then runs off stage while her dancers perform hot *** choreography to 30 second snippets from all songs featured on Glory, before Britney appears on the video screen to thank the audience. 

She should only wear one outfit and her makeup/hair should be done by both Billy B and Glen- the result being something like this- 


I'm ready!

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3 hours ago, Damon said:

I'd like to see- 

My Baby (lip-synced)
Dear Diary (lip-synced with armography)
Girl In The Mirror (Britney isn't on stage for this performance)
-You Got It All interlude-
Out From Under (Britney is on a swing and lip-syncs the track)
Body Ache (the ballad remix, lip-synced)
Chillin' With You (Jamie Lynn appears via Skype- Britney is not present on stage)
I Will Still Love You (Don Philip appears on stage while Britney sits on the ground and lip-syncs)

Britney then runs off stage while her dancers perform hot *** choreography to 30 second snippets from all songs featured on Glory, before Britney appears on the video screen to thank the audience. 

She should only wear one outfit and her makeup/hair should be done by both Billy B and Glen- the result being something like this- 


:gloria: and the screen during girl in the mirror is a prerecorded video of her singing it in the mirror :moorangu:


Although honestly I would live for a performance of You Got It All one day :quirkney:


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5 hours ago, Damon said:

I'd like to see- 

My Baby (lip-synced)
Dear Diary (lip-synced with armography)
Girl In The Mirror (Britney isn't on stage for this performance)
-You Got It All interlude-
Out From Under (Britney is on a swing and lip-syncs the track)
Body Ache (the ballad remix, lip-synced)
Chillin' With You (Jamie Lynn appears via Skype- Britney is not present on stage)
I Will Still Love You (Don Philip appears on stage while Britney sits on the ground and lip-syncs)

Britney then runs off stage while her dancers perform hot *** choreography to 30 second snippets from all songs featured on Glory, before Britney appears on the video screen to thank the audience. 

She should only wear one outfit and her makeup/hair should be done by both Billy B and Glen- the result being something like this- 


Where is Soda Pop?:lessons:

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2 minutes ago, A.D. said:


The only things that are missing for the encore:

Perfume: Britney lip-synchs to a bowl of cheese and Hanna suddely runs to the stage and pisses all over it while Britney fake cries to the "I gotta mark my territory" line :uknowit:

Chlamydia Girls: Lexie duets with Britney on stage dressed as an iguana in order to throw glorious shade towards Iguana Australia :NYnod:

DEAD :dead: 

I also heard that the performance will include Britney singing Brightest Morning Star, where she'll re-use the POM Everytime angel dress but install bright lights all over it so she could symbolize a bright, morning star.

As she's singing, she will invite Lexie and ha kids, along with any kid in attendance of POM, to trapeze throughout the AXIS theatre dressed as bright stars as well!

Wigs will be sold outside the theater since most will lose it with this addition to the show! :queenflopga:

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5 hours ago, Damon said:

I'd like to see- 

My Baby (lip-synced)
Dear Diary (lip-synced with armography)
Girl In The Mirror (Britney isn't on stage for this performance)
-You Got It All interlude-
Out From Under (Britney is on a swing and lip-syncs the track)
Body Ache (the ballad remix, lip-synced)
Chillin' With You (Jamie Lynn appears via Skype- Britney is not present on stage)
I Will Still Love You (Don Philip appears on stage while Britney sits on the ground and lip-syncs)

Britney then runs off stage while her dancers perform hot *** choreography to 30 second snippets from all songs featured on Glory, before Britney appears on the video screen to thank the audience. 

She should only wear one outfit and her makeup/hair should be done by both Billy B and Glen- the result being something like this- 


Im actually laughing hard rn :gloria: 

















But im also like :kidcries:

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  • Super Mods
9 minutes ago, A.D. said:

An insider at a pool party told me last night that when POM returns in October, it'll be revamped as POM 3.0: Trollney Strikes :NYnod:

Britney will axe the Neon section and replace it for a Hawaii themed one. Slumber Party will be added in it and will serve as the routine in which they bring a guest on stage instead of Freakshow. The guest has to be named Michael so the hyenas from the Make Me video can laugh very loudly for him while her male back-up dancers fake-play a guitar while doing the chicken dance :uknowit:

nnnnnnnnnn when will POM: Aloha, *******! tbh :uknowit: Do they sleep during Slumber Party performance? Or pillow fight? :quirkney:

Also imagine like 2 weeks after only bringing people named Michael to the stage:

Britney: "Wow, sweetie, what's your name?"

Michael: "Michael."

Britney: "Give it up for Michael everyone! You are such a good dancer!"

One of the cackling hyenas: "Britney, we only bring up guys named Michael now. You know this!"

Britney: "But no one knows who Michael is. They didn't watch the released Make Me video."

*interlude to Brightest Morning Star begins*


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13 minutes ago, A.D. said:

Britney and the ladies pillow fight with Michael and after the song concludes her security guard brings them pizza :saycheese:

BRITNEY: This pizza is so yummy

MICHAEL: Oh no, it stained your lipstick

BRITNEY: What am I gonna do? :crying2:

MICHAEL: Rest assure baby, look what I found. Your favorite brand EOS :uknowit: (removes a lipstick item from his pocket)

BRITNEY: But...I thought Preston and Jayden stole it for Lexie the other day :crying4:

MICHAEL: Well baby, I went back to Bryan's room and got it for you :explainlol:

BRITNEY: Awww, you shouldn't have:makeitrain: Wait, what were you doing there? :umomg:

Michael immediately runs off the stage and Britney's dancers try to distract the audience by asking them "so have you guys watched The Lion King?" :selenerz:


BRB DYING nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :orangu2: 

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6 hours ago, Damon said:

I'd like to see- 

My Baby (lip-synced)
Dear Diary (lip-synced with armography)
Girl In The Mirror (Britney isn't on stage for this performance)
-You Got It All interlude-
Out From Under (Britney is on a swing and lip-syncs the track)
Body Ache (the ballad remix, lip-synced)
Chillin' With You (Jamie Lynn appears via Skype- Britney is not present on stage)
I Will Still Love You (Don Philip appears on stage while Britney sits on the ground and lip-syncs)

Britney then runs off stage while her dancers perform hot *** choreography to 30 second snippets from all songs featured on Glory, before Britney appears on the video screen to thank the audience. 

She should only wear one outfit and her makeup/hair should be done by both Billy B and Glen- the result being something like this- 



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