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Just a Thought...


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What if Britney decided to ditch the US and focused on international fans like Brazil, UK, etc... and debuted #1 in all those countries except the US. Would that have a huge (negative) impact on her career, or would this be a good step for her to do since she's been established as an American entertainer already? 

What do y'all think? 

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Just now, Million Billion said:

That would be a valid argument if she wasn't doing a residency in US. In terms of money, her label and her team doesn't give a **** where that money come from I guess. :yaknow:

Yeah I was just thinking that maybe after Vegas that she should do international tours instead of focusing on the US. Her sales here have declined so much tbh. Countries like Mexico and Brazil have proven that they are thirsty for Britney. Imagine the amount of sales they'll rake in if Britney decided to promote heavily (Glory's release week) in other countries? 

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4 minutes ago, J. Tribbiani said:

Something lika Anastacia? That was huge in Europe but didn't reach the top on USA.

I don't think that would work for Britney, USA it's still her biggest market 

Freak of Nature was amazing. 

Hmm idk it was just a thought. I know Britney is a global icon, but I just want to see how much bigger she can get if she properly promoted her music outside the US. 

7 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

US is her biggest market.. So it wouldn't be smart. 

I think she needs to do promo everywhere but like during a tour but I don't think she is in a good state (hype wise) to tour right now. 

I guess so. I'm just so curious to see if Britney's stardom is still as influential as it was 10 years ago. 

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