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Give Britney A Break Ffs


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I'm sick of seeing negative threads on here bashing her performances, her looks, lack of a second single, the scrapping of the MM video bla bla bla.

I want you to take a minute to read these next bullet points and try to put yourselves in her shoes then answer me one question:

  • She is still under conservatorship. You want a hot body (hire a personal trainer), you wanna bughatti, you wanna maserati...you better ask your dad first. Even though you earned an absolute fortune, you literally get an allowance from your dad and lawyer who have complete control over your finances. You are a 34 year old woman who has to ask your father's permission to buy a house or a car etc.
  • She loves her kids more than anything in the world and knows that some day (if not already), they're going to find out about the darkest part of her life. They're going to hear stories that she was deemed so unfit and negligent as a parent that she lost custody of them.
  • Her love life sucks. Justin publicly shamed her for cheating, Jason Alexander disaster, Adnan, a failed engagement with Jason Trawick, David Lucado didn't work out and I'm pretty sure she confirmed that Charlie Ebersol cheated on her. She said in Carpool Karaoke that she is DONE with men. She is literally over being ****** around.
  • She is judged for everything she does. By everyone. Even her own fans can't give her a break. God forbid she ever visit exhale - sometimes exhalers are worse than her harshest critics.
  • She has been working in the industry for almost 20 years and has pretty much never had full creative control. ITZ is probably her most personal album to date IMO. Blackout she kinda went off the rails and did her own thing but her label and team had the final say over what made the final cut. She felt so strongly about Original Doll being released that she went behind her label's back and gave Mona Lisa to a radio station to premiere. She is constantly being controlled by the people around her.

Now tell me this. What effect would all this have on your happiness and self-confidence?

Give her a ******* break guys! It's a miracle that she made it through that breakdown. And I don't know if we'll ever get to fully understand brit's side of the story or if we're doomed to continue getting the same manufactured, pre-scripted BS that we get in every interview, but for now, if you truly love Britney, just appreciate her for what she's giving us.

She has given us so much this era and it's still not enough for some people.

Anyway, rant over. I'm out. Buy, Gift & Stream Glory :bigkiss:

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44 minutes ago, Steel_Magnolia said:

But nobody is criticizing Britney this era. :frenchy:

The music is great, she's happy, she's doing tons of promo and she looks phenomenal.

All the complaints revolve around the suckage that her Team is exhibiting. All anybody wants for her is the best, and that's certainly not what she's getting right now. :angietea:


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Do you think the fans constantly complaining about everything  she does (her team her videos her performances her label  her promo ect) is helping Britney's confidence?

We are lucky she is where she's at happy loving music again.  How quickly everyone seems to forget what this woman has come through.

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51 minutes ago, Steel_Magnolia said:

But nobody is criticizing Britney this era. :frenchy:

The music is great, she's happy, she's doing tons of promo and she looks phenomenal.

All the complaints revolve around the suckage that her Team is exhibiting. All anybody wants for her is the best, and that's certainly not what she's getting right now. :angietea:

her team is trying though, just because Make Me didn't manage to smash it doesn't mean they didn't try. I'm pretty sure they didn't want to ditch their 2 million dollar video on purpose.

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I agree with majority of this. I never make a negative thread about Britney. I comment positively on Britney and make positive threads about her. I point out people talking **** about her so she can be defended. This is a forum. What about free speech. Blah blah blah. This website wasn't originally created to point out all Britney's faults. It was created because someone was a big enough fan and devoted enough and loved Britney enough to create it. It wasn't created to talk **** about her. 

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3 hours ago, Werrrrkkkkit said:

Give her a ******* break guys! It's a miracle that she made it through that breakdown. And I don't know if we'll ever get to fully understand brit's side of the story or if we're doomed to continue getting the same manufactured, pre-scripted BS that we get in every interview, but for now, if you truly love Britney, just appreciate her for what she's giving us.

She has given us so much this era and it's still not enough for some people.

Anyway, rant over. I'm out. Buy, Gift & Stream Glory :bigkiss:

thank you for this thread! I've been wondering why all the posts in Britney fan forum is about her single, album, video failing....

BUT I agree that the video for Make Me is the only thing that I would really agree on needs to come out, the internet would break down!... but it probably wont but at least the world now knows that the total slayage of the first version exists like the MARIE CLAIRE website even pointed out...


ps. Make Me is still airing big time in Finnish Radio! So Europe is still on it!:feelingmyself:

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2 hours ago, F.a.u.zish said:

her team is trying though, just because Make Me didn't manage to smash it doesn't mean they didn't try. I'm pretty sure they didn't want to ditch their 2 million dollar video on purpose.

Then they should have tried harder to make this happened. I don't think it's sponsors, maybe its David with his diva atittude, maybe Britney and her ******* ******* - they should convince one or another that this is good, change up things a bit, staying in the theme and main concept and don't make this a drama. Work ***** was changed a little, so it's not impossible. They decided to throw it into a bin and pretend it never happened. And a good team would try to create something similar, that fits the song and they took very different and opposite direction. They had zero budget? They could use choreo they had (and don't act like david owns it, because he's not), make something simple or, like I earlier said, janet-like (and Britney always wanted something like that). Fans would be pleased with simplicity, sexyness and good choreo. Make Me isn't an uppie one, so she could deliever some great moves. But we've got stupid teenage ***** girls instead. And with promo performances? Come on, even 5yo child can give something more creative. Her team sucks, big time, because they don't think. Britney is a milking cow and they think everything she does would sell and bring money. BJ has only shaken them a little, so they pushed for a better album and some promo, but there it goes now - team b at its prime...:rihit:

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I want three things from Britney only

No leotards, give her actual comfy costumes

Live singing!!!! preferably in her natural register so we can get som adele level vocals finally

an actual choreographer that pushes her cuz she is at her best in a long time now

I'm happy with her otherwise though, except the video obvi

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4 hours ago, Steel_Magnolia said:

But nobody is criticizing Britney this era. :frenchy:

The music is great, she's happy, she's doing tons of promo and she looks phenomenal.

All the complaints revolve around the suckage that her Team is exhibiting. All anybody wants for her is the best, and that's certainly not what she's getting right now. :angietea:


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I love Britney but I just hate how because Brit had a breakdown she's immune to any criticism. It's like we want the GP to get over it but then use it to justify anything she does that's not on par. She's not a fragile puppy. Like oh she's had a bad love life? Seriously...Who hasn't? Her conservatorship sucks, yes. I can't wait for her to get out of it. But she (in one way or another) put herself in the position to land in one. She downward spiraled for almost two years before her parents stepped in. It's not like they randomly woke up and put her in one. There are plenty of artists who basically demand more creative control of their careers around the sophomore/third albums. She could have taken more control super early in her career. Why didn't she? I'm a huge believer in the idea that life is what u make it based on your decisions. Britney has made her life this way in my opinion. And most ppl are buying a lot of her products, ppl can criticize or express their displeasure over what they are spending their money on TBH. 

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4 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

I love Britney but I just hate how because Brit had a breakdown she's immune to any criticism. It's like we want the GP to get over it but then use it to justify anything she does that's not on par. She's not a fragile puppy. Like oh she's had a bad love life? Seriously...Who hasn't? Her conservatorship sucks, yes. I can't wait for her to get out of it. But she (in one way or another) put herself in the position to land in one. She downward spiraled for almost two years before her parents stepped in. It's not like they randomly woke up and put her in one. There are plenty of artists who basically demand more creative control of their careers around the sophomore/third albums. She could have taken more control super early in her career. Why didn't she? I'm a huge believer in the idea that life is what u make it based on your decisions. Britney has made her life this way in my opinion. And most ppl are buying a lot of her products, ppl can criticize or express their displeasure over what they are spending their money on TBH. 

Well yes, she could be more in control but to tell that she is responsible for the downward spiral, and only her, is a little too much. Yes marrying K-fed was her choice (and the worst one) but all that paparazzi madness was so crazy that anyone would flip out at that poin....

And I think she is improving all the time. Her confidence is up and she will surprise us with some unplugged stuff sooner or later... but she needs also our support to keep going. Just look at the quotes she has posted on instagram yesterday.

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1 minute ago, Wombat said:

Well yes, she could be more in control but to tell that she is responsible for the downward spiral, and only her, is a little too much. Yes marrying K-fed was her choice (and the worst one) but all that paparazzi madness was so crazy that anyone would flip out at that poin....

And I think she is improving all the time. Her confidence is up and she will surprise us with some unplugged stuff sooner or later... but she needs also our support to keep going. Just look at the quotes she has posted on instagram yesterday.

I'm not saying she hasn't improved. I love where she's at right now. But to make it seem like she's just had it so unfair and this isn't the life that she made for herself is wrong. Okay, paps are chasing u everywhere, why not take a break from the spotlight? she even admitted that she has no clue why she didn't take her kids and leave Los Angeles for awhile. Again, that was her decision to stay in that circus. And let's not forget, she also played into the hands of the paps lots of times during her breakdown. She was trying to be rebellious and got way too over her head and it backfired like crazy. I think her even being relevant almost 20 years into her career is a true testament to how much her fans love her. Fans are entitled to want a little more bang for their dollar though. 

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I think everyone is complaining because they see other artists (such as Beyoncé) are doing much better in the charts, live performances...etc and they want Britney to do the same. 

While it is not bad for fans to complain about such stuff and I totally understand where they coming from, I do agree on the things that you highlighted. She is doing a great job considering everything she went/going through, I'm just happy that she is actually still making music.

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11 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

I'm not saying she hasn't improved. I love where she's at right now. But to make it seem like she's just had it so unfair and this isn't the life that she made for herself is wrong. Okay, paps are chasing u everywhere, why not take a break from the spotlight? she even admitted that she has no clue why she didn't take her kids and leave Los Angeles for awhile. Again, that was her decision to stay in that circus. And let's not forget, she also played into the hands of the paps lots of times during her breakdown. She was trying to be rebellious and got way too over her head and it backfired like crazy. I think her even being relevant almost 20 years into her career is a true testament to how much her fans love her. Fans are entitled to want a little more bang for their dollar though. 

Well that's true that she should have left LA, and like you said, she has admitted that herself... but no one can imagine how life is living in the spotlight. I guess the paps gave her attention she taught she needed...

Oh well, its all in the past now and the GLORYous era is coming! I'm sure RCA is reading the comments once in awhile and they know fans want the original Make Me etc. Hopefully they are making notes ... Britney isnt reading any comments about her, I'm sure! She said she didnt even see the Carpool Karaoke in a radio interview. But she is promoting the album all the time! Just hoping also that she is gonna do live with backtrack at least soon. It might sound like a conspiracy theory but I truly think that she was even suppose to sing Me, Myself & I but someone screwed up.

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8 minutes ago, Wombat said:

Well that's true that she should have left LA, and like you said, she has admitted that herself... but no one can imagine how life is living in the spotlight. I guess the paps gave her attention she taught she needed...

Oh well, its all in the past now and the GLORYous era is coming! I'm sure RCA is reading the comments once in awhile and they know fans want the original Make Me etc. Hopefully they are making notes ... Britney isnt reading any comments about her, I'm sure! She said she didnt even see the Carpool Karaoke in a radio interview. But she is promoting the album all the time! Just hoping also that she is gonna do live with backtrack at least soon. It might sound like a conspiracy theory but I truly think that she was even suppose to sing Me, Myself & I but someone screwed up.

I think she was supposed to sing that too. Why cover someone else's song when u have a new album out if it weren't going to be a shock factor? I think something happened behind the scenes. Otherwise, her team is dumber than I thought. 

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2 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

I think she was supposed to sing that too. Why cover someone else's song when u have a new album out if it weren't going to be a shock factor? I think something happened behind the scenes. Otherwise, her team is dumber than I thought. 

Yep! Why change the mic in between??? I think that was the "never before seen" thing they were talking about. There are some stories going around about this. I wish her team would just admit it that something happened 'cause then the GP would maybe quit talking about how she always lipsyncs etc. But they of course want....

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