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Seriously, everyone should give something.

Just some quick facts about the situation:

  • 13 people have died from the floods
  • Over 60,000 homes have been damaged and destroyed
  • Over 4,000 people have been put in shelters
  • Over 100,000 cars have been damaged
  • Over $8.7 billion in damages

It's the worst US natural disaster since hurricane sandy 4 years ago. Give what you can


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8 minutes ago, BreatheOnMoi said:

Omg she's a sweetheart. Good on her. :otears:

Can't wait for her to come back and slay Slumber Party tho! What channel is this on? I'm hyped :shake:


Say you feel alone
That your day was the baddest
Tellin' me you can't sleep because of your mattress
Do you wanna come over? (Yeah...)
Do you wanna come over? (Yeah...)

I feel like this song is more appropriate. :idkney: these lyrics just got real deep.

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1 minute ago, JoffBaratheon said:

Someone is going to report you for being insensitive. Don't you know you can't offend anyone here? :lessons:

:idkney::eheeek: Ik i triggered someone this morning. But im laughing at how silly it would be if she performed for this lbr, none of the songs would fit. :yesokay:

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