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I'm proud of Britney, her team is the problem!


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6 hours ago, TheGloryBritney said:

Mariah back in 2015 has completely revolutionized her management and now she has a very strong female manager.

And that hasn't done **** for her.  I love Mariah, but she's still a non-entity (outside of December).  Her next album will probably flop even harder than her last one did.  And you know why?  Because the GP isn't interested in her anymore.  You can hire a new team, make good music, and do promo, but if people don't care about you, none of that matters.

Britney isn't at that point yet.  But she's been around for almost two decades now, and she's sold over 100 million records and was the #1 ***** in the game for years.  It's no surprise that her sales/popularity are dwindling as she ages and new artists that are more appealing to young audiences take over.  It happened to Mariah, it happened to Madonna, it happened to Janet, it's happening to Britney.  It isn't her fault, or her team's fault, or RCA's fault; it's just how these things go.  It does annoy me that her team isn't marketing her as the ******* legend she is, but maybe Britney doesn't want that- we all know how humble and unassuming she is.

And why are you guys upset about Glory's performance anyway?  It debuted in the Top 3 in the US and UK, and it's reached the Top 10 or higher in a million other countries.  Plus 'Make Me' is still killing it on iTunes.  We should be happy with that, especially since BJ and 'Pretty Girls' did so much damage to her reputation.  After the last few years, she was never going to explode out of the gate. 

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29 minutes ago, Don Juan said:

There are a lot of incorrect statements in what you wrote.  First of all FF is her most successful era on radio and NONE of the singles received any form of payola.  Radio deals hurt her more than help and we see that with Oooh La, La, La, PG, WB and MM.  They need to cut it out!

They did a fine job in cross-marketing I Wanna Go putting it on a major advertisement platform.  In fact, the entire FF era was brilliantly marketed.

The investment in Britney stopped after she joined RCA.  There have been so many fiasco's under this label that it is impossible to blame anything else but them. 

Wrong - Hold It Against Me had one of Britney's biggest radio deals, and so did Til the World Ends (since it was released pre-FF LP release). These deals established both songs on the radio, leading to sales.. leading to I Wanna Go being set up to becoming a great hit based on the wave of HIAM and TTWE's success.

FF era was brilliantly marketed, indeed. You're just proving everything I said in my original post.

FF-ney was a mess, we all know this.. Yes, she had that comeback appeal from Circus helping still, but the MARKETING made up for FF-ney's short-comings.  

There's a lot that has to do with RCA and the general state of the record industry, yes, but it all comes down to Britney's team filling in the blanks.

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2 hours ago, Britman512 said:

I want to agree with this post but I feel like it's Britney's fault tbh Britney lip synchs everything, she made carpool karaoke seem awkward ( we know she has anxiety but if she can't fully be herself and do the job why sign up for it yah now?) I think her coregraphers don't push her anymore which they need too , the make me video should've happened I feel like it was britney who stopped production on it couldve happened if she wanted it too. So I feel like Britney and her team need a revamp but can we give her team credit they have been giving her lots of promo for the album and schedule a few performances. 

Yeah I agree with you too! It's not JUST her team that needs to have a new mind set going into this! Britney needs to understand she needs to push herself as well. The internet is a cruel and unforgiving place and we've become more and more reliant on it. So any mistake, lip-sync issue is Spread like wildfire. The promo I do give them credit for :tbh:, however the way this whole album should have been handled has been a mess

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This is a controversial discussion but I think we NEED to have this and just hear different points of view. I like this thread because people are listing down their issues with proposed solutions instead of just going "OMG I'M UNSTANNING HA IF THE ORIGINAL MM VIDEO DOESN'T COME OUT TONIGHT!!!1"

This is just my take, I could be wrong. 

6 hours ago, ebritneybeat said:

She's happy with the new album but not passionate with her job in general.She prefers being momney.If she was she was passionate she would be competitive,she would serve us iconic performances,perfect music videos etc.She just enjoys the moment.

I do agree with this. Britney loves the music... but she doesn't have that ambitious FIRE for a lot of aspects of the business.

As an artist, you can tell she really gave it her all in the studio with Glory and we've all come to appreciate what will be remembered as a solid record.

And as a performer, she has been steadily getting better (since Aug 2015) and it's become a hit or miss thing now on how memorable her performances are. 

As a person, I do think she's very strong, kind and cares a lot about connecting with fans (as we see her always being so friendly to the crowds attending POM, or sending handwritten letters to fans etc.)

But as a brand? No, she's not that interested in playing the pop industry's game anymore. I was reading her marie claire interview and she said during her initial years in the industry, she was trying so hard to constantly present that image (keyword here being IMAGE) that she was the perfect pop star, and she'd freak out if there was even a picture of her with her hair slightly out of place. So why was she doing that? Because she had the desire to sell her brand (Britney - the brand, the music, the pop girl) and was ambitious enough to want to get to that #1 spot.

But now, we see how she doesn't take it that seriously anymore and really seems to embrace normality. It's not a bad thing necessarily, because she adores her children and I'd rather she be the kind of mom who occasionally ends up denting her career for her kids than the other way around. I see a lot of comparisons with Beyonce on this thread and I think that's really the difference... Bey still has that burning desire and endless motivation to play the publicity/media/industry game and stay on top. T Swift is another example of a pop girl who is ruthlessly ambitious. But Britney feels something that's more like "been there, done that, not as interested now as I used to be but I'll have fun with whatever my team lines up for me" when it comes to publicity and branding. 


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5 minutes ago, Barbie Spears said:

This is a controversial discussion but I think we NEED to have this and just hear different points of view. I like this thread because people are listing down their issues with proposed solutions instead of just going "OMG I'M UNSTANNING HA IF THE ORIGINAL MM VIDEO DOESN'T COME OUT TONIGHT!!!1"

This is just my take, I could be wrong. 

I do agree with this. Britney loves the music... but she doesn't have that ambitious FIRE for a lot of aspects of the business.

As an artist, you can tell she really gave it her all in the studio with Glory and we've all come to appreciate what will be remembered as a solid record.

And as a performer, she has been steadily getting better (since Aug 2015) and it's become a hit or miss thing now on how memorable her performances are. 

As a person, I do think she's very strong, kind and cares a lot about connecting with fans (as we see her always being so friendly to the crowds attending POM, or sending handwritten letters to fans etc.)

But as a brand? No, she's not that interested in playing the pop industry's game anymore. I was reading her marie claire interview and she said during her initial years in the industry, she was trying so hard to pretend she was the perfect pop star, and she'd freak out if there was even a picture of her with her hair slightly out of place. So why was she doing that? Because she had the desire to sell her brand (Britney - the brand, the music, the pop girl) and was ambitious enough to want to get to that #1 spot.

But now, we see how she doesn't take it that seriously anymore and really seems to embrace normality. It's not a bad thing necessarily, because she adores her children and I'd rather she be the kind of mom who occasionally ends up denting her career for her kids than the other way around. I see a lot of comparisons with Beyonce on this thread and I think that's really the difference... Bey still has that burning desire and endless motivation to play the publicity/media/industry game and stay on top. T Swift is another example of a pop girl who is ruthlessly ambitious. But Britney feels something that's more like "been there, done that, not as interested now as I used to be but I'll have fun with whatever my team lines up for me" when it comes to publicity and branding. 


GREAT point of view, but I do believe that with a different management things could be different 

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