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Femme Fatale is actually good album, apart from the Album cover !


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In terms of album cover, FF >>>>>>>>> Glory actually..

But FF has over-processed vocals, sounds robotic and feels lack of substances. It's not a bad album, it's catchy but a little bit generic.

Glory is a very accomplished and lively album however. It's my second fav (together with ITZ) album, just after Blackout. :CPKney:

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In my opinion we haven't had a decent album cover since "Circus". I was hoping for a full body image for Glory instead we got another ITZ type of cover yet again. Whoever is responsible for the art direction on RCA needs to get his *** fired, period. 


I don't hate FF album (musically speaking) but I don't like it that much either. It did have a nice production but it isn't one of the albums that I would listen to in full along with (Britney Jean, Oops!, BOMT). It had it's moments although the singles from that album could've been way much better. 

I think they should've released singles in this order:

Till the world ends

Inside out

He about to lose me (should've been on the standard edition)

How I roll

Hold it against me

Criminal (live footage kind of video of her singing in tour, which sadly didn't even happen).

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FF is great.  Most of it sounded dated, like, a month after it came out, but I'll always love it for giving me 'Criminal', 'Trouble for Me', 'Up N Down', and 'Scary'. :CPKney: And the cover isn't bad at all- it fits the album perfectly.

3 minutes ago, Enzo said:


Pretty sure this ******* pic will terrorize us forever. :wendycry:

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