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Britney dance routines personal stories


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So I wanted to ask how many of you know Britney's dance moves throughout the years. I remember my first fascination of her dances. It was probably around 2001-2002 after the Dream Within a Dream Tour in Las Vegas was released. One of my best friend's mum was living in England back then and she recorded the concert as well as a lot of interviews which were aired at the same time. (btw I just realized how much promo it must have had here in the UK when i think that the recording was  like 1 and a half hours concert and then probably the same amount of time with interviews. I wish they had that now) SO after watching the concert I was determent to learn all of her moves on there and so i managed to get the copy of the concert and started learning whatever I can. So at the end I knew dance moves from Oops, Crazy, overprotected, boys, stronger, lonely ( what an awesome song that is) , I'm a slave for you and baby one more time. Throughout the years the dance moves I know most of hers are from I'm a slave for you, Toxic, The hook up (from the onyx hotel), Me against the music. I have tried to learn some parts of other songs here and there, but those were the one I still remember to this day :D One thing that I have noticed is that all the tours after the Onyx hotel have not made me wanna learn any of the dance moves I dont know why maybe its just because I grew up and did not have time for that, or just because they are not as iconic as the old ones. 

So I was wondering does anyone else have stories related to learning Britney's dance moves and which songs routines do you know?


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