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Popcrush: what should be the next single?


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12 minutes ago, Aymama said:

Team Britney is listening, don't **** this up like you did w Criminal tbh :lessons:


voted for Slumber Party :bootyney:

Unusual You won the poll back during the circus era yet they chose to go with Radar.  Criminal was obviously a mistake from us. Should have been how I roll.  We should be smart this time around. Slumber Party for the win. 

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1 hour ago, Toxicité said:

I mean, LMD is my favorite off the album, but it's not...  I mean, it was the last song they did and it was rushed, you can kind of hear it... It's not worth a single, Slumber Party is though, that's who I voted for. 

This tbh

Love Me Down has absolutely no soul. I mean, it's a ******* JAM but it has absolutely no depth.. it can't be the coveted "2nd single" for this album. Totally here for LMD as 4-6 single, tho 

I voted Liar. Song's a major hit, plain and simple :donewithit:

Slayber Party is a VERY SUPER CLOSE second. 

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LMD is a great bop like all the tracks on Glory., but it is not 2nd single material, its way to repetitive, radio and the audience will get sick of it pretty fast. 

Just Love Me, is definitely single material but the temp is very similar to Make Me. They should hold off until single 3 or 4.  

Man on the man is pure pop and radio could definitely eat it up. 

Slumber Party is quality, a new sound for Britney and catchy af. Also a diff temp from Make Me. 

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I can't with you guys voting for Love Me Down. Yeah it's a bop but not appropriate for a second single. And if you want ANOTHER EDM for a single go listen to Femme Fatale and Billie Jean. I can't :shameless:

Slumber Party is the best option for now. It's different from what Britney has been doing since I don't know when. 

I hope that Britney and her team don't hear us one more time, I wouldn't trust someone that chooses Criminal over Inside Out for a single :comingthru:

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Dont bash Love Me Down. LMD and Slumber Party are on the same level of potential Top 10 hit :donewithit:

But lbr Love Me Down is more singable live. I mean Make Me is hard to sing for karaoke :donewithit:

I would wanna vote Man On The Moon, thats my most fav track, but ngl the gp would not love it. Maybe as the last single, not 2nd single. I dont want Perfume 2.0 altho it's a good song  :donewithit:

Anyway, I voted Slumber Party. :quirkney:

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LMD is great but maybe too basic a song to represent brit for her next single

JLM is great but all people will say about it is that it sounds like a song off Revival

SP is amaaazing but I fear the racy content won't get it as much radio play (ik lots of songs are like that but lbr the younger more currently prominent stars basically get a free pass)

CYM is one of my faves but unfortunately it's a deluxe track so even though it could eventually be a single I don't see it being second single

The rest are great but not as single worthy as the above


That's why I voted DYWCO. When it was first released I immediately said it wasn't single-worthy but now I've seen the light and understand that it's the only way

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1 minute ago, Aymama said:

Team Britney is listening, don't **** this up like you did w Criminal tbh :lessons:


I voted for Man on the moon :p  

Man on the moon and If I'm dancing have that interesting quirky vibe that the GP like. Though I think they are probably a bit too not now enough.  I think both if a bit of 60 and 70 female pop that I would love Radio to really pick back up. And Dancing is a deluxe track as well.  But its meme and self promo might me high.

Just Luv Me might have been a great first single but the simpleness isn't going to get Glory a second chance. Though it does have a personal edge and it's very current. 

6 minutes ago, maquisl said:

I voted for Slumber Party. But it's interesting that Love Me Down is at No. 1. :britlol:


I think twitter is stanning for Love me Down. Today anyway. But Britney's talk songs don't perform as well as they should. And neither does Britney's more ballad songs. 

I love Slumber party. I think it can be really big but I'm not sure if it's the right single after Make me. Just because I worry how a video would be done and received. It's slower at times but it has a quirky vibe and while it's kind of about a *** party I feel the Gp will take to the song. 

I love Liar and just feel radio would love it as a Britney song. Everybody else thinks there is no way radio will support and of course it's a deluxe song so there is no chance really.

DYWCO is humorous more so than quirky (my preference) but I think it has a good chance to be the single. It's a bit uptempo and the GP prefers those for Britney. But I think some feel Britney's image will make this song seem too young for her. 

I wish Just like me had another verse and didn't sound super repetitive especially because how short it is. I love the way it's sung and I love the guitar. 

All I know is something different sounding than Make me needs to be pushed since radio refuses to give Mak me the nudge it deserves even with its sells, streams and Rate the music ranking.

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