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Britney Spears' 'Glory' Debuts At No. 3 In The U.S.

Jordan Miller

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12 minutes ago, SpainwithBrit said:

Beyonce 500000 first week

Britney <100000


Britney isnt more a artist in USA

There she isnt respect

This is the reality

The album will be flop

The singles will be flop

Anyway the album is great, the best album pop of 2016

And her better album since 2007

The only flop here is you and your hostile and hateful opinion. Britney is not a flop and neither is Glory. 

Are you blind? She hasn't been as confident and driven since the In The Zone era.

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15 minutes ago, SpainwithBrit said:

Beyonce 500000 first week

Britney <100000


Britney isnt more a artist in USA

There she isnt respect

This is the reality

The album will be flop

The singles will be flop

Anyway the album is great, the best album pop of 2016

And her better album since 2007

Jay Z was laundering his money with lemon juice:shameless: as he does with other beyonce albums, they bought it.:uknowit:

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Let the meltdowns commence...

I will make TWO POINTS:

1. She choose to release the same week as Babara Streisand, Florida Georgia Line and the week after Frank Ocean surprised released his new album. So a lot of competition

2. So far the album looks to be selling a lot more than BJ did so it's not a complete flop

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This all could have been prevented if Britney's team would've started the era out on the right foot. Premiering the lead single with the ORIGINAL video would have done wonders for "Make Me" and the whole album. It would've given the song the exposure it needed to become a hit, and that would have drawn in more interest from the GP and fans for the entire album. 

"Make Me" never really caught on because its entire release was messy as hell, and the video that Britney's team (and Britney?) chose to release was a major flop. Without much excitement for the single or the album, I'm surprised that the album didn't debut even lower. So this is actually not that bad, but it all could've been so much better and we could be celebrating a #1 debut if Team Britney had just pulled their heads out of their *****. 

This era hit a major snag at the very beginning and it just hasn't recovered. "Make Me" has hardly received any radio support, and the promo for the album literally just began last week. The GP just isn't interested in Brit anymore, and she's not doing anything groundbreaking or iconic these days. I'm glad that I have my copy of Glory because I think it's a solid body of work, and it's one of Brit's best albums, but I don't see it spawning anymore hits. They should've just released that damn original video when they had the chance - I know it might be "just a video" but it would've set everything into motion for a more successful era. I'm so depressed to say that Glory and "Make Me" just aren't going to get the recognition and success that they deserved. 

It wont surprise me if this ends up like Gwen's new album - low sales and no hit singles. Ugh. It didn't have to be this way!!! **** you Team B!! 


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US GP lost interest in her :(  They all are sipping Lemonade and caring for acts that sing live, gets massive radio airplays, performs sold out concert venues. I love that she's starting to put herself out there again but Let's get real, the Britney brand magic faded already, Britney changed the Vegas landscape but I feel like she got boxed in  the Strip.

Considering she's still making a mark, staying relevant and selling records after almost 2 decades is commendable though. Despite the poor sales she's getting and will continue to get, She'll forever be an icon and legend, something her contemporaries will never be. 

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