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ok she really needs to STEP UP HER GAME BIG TIME


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1 minute ago, asas12 said:

She used to get dragged back in the day too but she still had iconic performances. And that was because she wasn't afraid to be controversial and push the boundaries, something she doesn't want to do right now. It's not about her lip synching or not dancing hard enough. The problem is she just doesn't want to be #1 right now like she wanted to be back in her prime. Maybe when her kids are older she'll want it again, but if that day does come I can guarantee she'll still be lip synching, mark my words. 

with all this promo she's doing with glory i'm not sure about that anymore

i think she cares about charts and positions i mean she's not obsessed (propably) but she cares

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5 minutes ago, asas12 said:

She used to get dragged back in the day too but she still had iconic performances. And that was because she wasn't afraid to be controversial and push the boundaries, something she doesn't want to do right now. It's not about her lip synching or not dancing hard enough. The problem is she just doesn't want to be #1 right now like she wanted to be back in her prime. Maybe when her kids are older she'll want it again, but if that day does come I can guarantee she'll still be lip synching, mark my words. 

When her kids are older haha??? I kinda want her to be retired by then! I do not want her to be another Madonna (which a lot of people think she is already)

Not shading the queen just speaking the truth... Most people my age thinks she's the new Madonna because she's always trying to make a come back

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somewhat agree with you. First off, the fact that this fanbase is even complaining about her lip synching :wtf: have you guys been fans? She's always done this - its nothing new, and I have no expectation of her to do otherwise. I'm completely fine with her lip-synching and its not shocking to me - if it was I would've stopped stanning a long time ago. Its not gonna change. 

I agree with you about the choreo - some of it is unacceptable and cringeworthy, and kind of ruins the song for me. 

agree with you about some of the costumes. I liked her VMA outfit - I disliked her outfits on the Today show -- the bright colored leotards need to go. Her costumes should be **** and the leotards are so 2011. I was only okay with the VMAs outfit because it looked really good on her and I liked its contrast with the backdrop. But the figure-skater yellow thing she wore today on the Today show was not that great. 

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Just now, goincrazy4brit said:

the only thing that got scrapped is or make me video

I don't think so. I think it goes deeper than that.

I think they planned out the entire era well ahead of time, assigning budgets to each phase. 

This first phase was wrapped around the original MM video. We can see from that Instagram video that there WAS more complex choreography attached to it. That choreo was likely going to appear in the VMA performance (which is also used on the POM stage). And that performance likely replicated some of the themes from the video (e.g. costumes and props, such as the black leotard and the cage). 

When they scrapped the video, they had to scrap the entire thing. The Glory artwork budget was spent on creating a new video. The original performance plans would have had to have been scrapped if they referenced the video at all (because if they went ahead with it everyone would expect the video to be released).

So they literally had to throw something together cheap and fast for the VMAs/POM/Today show performance -- including recycling POM costumes.

Just look at the BBMA performance -- that should be proof enough that her and her Team really ARE capable of pulling together something spectacular if given enough time and money. 

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Just now, goincrazy4brit said:

with all this promo she's doing with glory i'm not sure about that anymore

i think she cares about charts and positions i mean she's not obsessed (propably) but she cares

Lol if there's one thing I know she doesn't care about it's the charts. She worked hard on this album so it makes sense that she wants it to do well, probably so RCA will support it and let her put a bunch of singles out. But she's said in the past she doesn't care about chart positions. 

If Britney wanted to be #1, not the #1 album but the #1 pop star in the world, she could do it and she would have found a way to steal the show the night of the VMA's. But at this point she's doing it for her and her fans, not to be the "it" girl. Cause the last time she did that it legit almost killed her. 

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28 minutes ago, DirtyMind said:

I don't even have the energy to drag you haters anymore.  You'll ***** and complain no matter what she does, and then you'll ***** and complain some more.  Soo... You do you. 


This honestly.

The woman can cure cancer tomorrow and you all would still ***** about her hair being a mess or some other stupid bullshit.

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1 minute ago, asas12 said:

Lol if there's one thing I know she doesn't care about it's the charts. She worked hard on this album so it makes sense that she wants it to do well, probably so RCA will support it and let her put a bunch of singles out. But she's said in the past she doesn't care about chart positions. 

If Britney wanted to be #1, not the #1 album but the #1 pop star in the world, she could do it and she would have found a way to steal the show the night of the VMA's. But at this point she's doing it for her and her fans, not to be the "it" girl. Cause the last time she did that it legit almost killed her. 

ok lets not going in there :angietea:

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4 minutes ago, Jba1213 said:

When her kids are older haha??? I kinda want her to be retired by then! I do not want her to be another Madonna (which a lot of people think she is already)

Her kids are 9 and 10. In 6-8 years when they're older and really understand what she went through and what she does as a pop star she may be more willing to push the boundaries again. Hell, I could even see her kids encouraging her to be on top again. "Go on mom, go show Beyonce how it's really done." They might be the one's to push Britney back to her prime lol, but there's no way she's retiring in the next 10 years. I bet we have at least another 15-20 years from her, maybe with her albums more spread out. 

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4 minutes ago, asas12 said:

Lol if there's one thing I know she doesn't care about it's the charts. She worked hard on this album so it makes sense that she wants it to do well, probably so RCA will support it and let her put a bunch of singles out. But she's said in the past she doesn't care about chart positions. 

If Britney wanted to be #1, not the #1 album but the #1 pop star in the world, she could do it and she would have found a way to steal the show the night of the VMA's. But at this point she's doing it for her and her fans, not to be the "it" girl. Cause the last time she did that it legit almost killed her. 

I'm sorry I'm a flop, but what performance almost killed her?

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41 minutes ago, goincrazy4brit said:

ok so with this era we have back experimentalney promoney passioney 

she's happy she's having fun she wants to be out there again she seems to be in a good place 

also we have an amazing album!!

we have all that :saycheese:

but we still have safeney out there :sickofu:

it's time to go don't you think?:bpo:

i'm sure at this point that iheart performance and apple festival will not be any different from what we've already seen at vmas and on today morning show

again leotards again same boring hand movements 'choreo' again lip sync..:brityeah:

she's not even trying..first off all the thing with the LIP SYNC it's like she's saying to us 'ok morons this what i'm having i'm lipping and all of you gonna zip it now and watch me i don't care' at least sing behind the track AT LEAST 

second of all..THE DANCING..it's getting rediculous..this move she's making with her hand on her knee it's embarrassing what she's thinking???:embarrassney: it's just don't make any sense and it can't be more childish,we all know that she's practising with more difficult and complicated choreos but she's ending to give us this childish choreos..she can't make anymore **** poses on the stage and just moving her hands 

and finally the LEOTARDS needs to go they are so old fassion and boring we get it brit you want to show your **** body but you can show it with hot pants as well 



Log out *****!

Either you enjoy Britney for who she is now or you don't and if you don't go join another fan base. It's ******* like you that have lonely boring lives and need to pick apart and try to control a woman that's worked for her fame, fortune and future.

Would love to take a look at your closet and see the tacky, disaster cheap ensembles you have stored away with your secrets.

She has nothing more to prove, she's said that learn to understand it or turn in your troll card. 

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1 minute ago, asas12 said:

Her kids are 9 and 10. In 6-8 years when they're older and really understand what she went through and what she does as a pop star she may be more willing to push the boundaries again. Hell, I could even see her kids encouraging her to be on top again. "Go on mom, go show Beyonce how it's really done." They might be the one's to push Britney back to her prime lol, but there's no way she's retiring in the next 10 years. I bet we have at least another 15-20 years from her, maybe with her albums more spread out. 

in my delusional head I think that this has happened in the last few weeks/months. I do think they are pushing her already in a subtle way hence all this promo stuff going on, performances etc.

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12 minutes ago, greenbear89 said:

somewhat agree with you. First off, the fact that this fanbase is even complaining about her lip synching :wtf: have you guys been fans? She's always done this - its nothing new, and I have no expectation of her to do otherwise. I'm completely fine with her lip-synching and its not shocking to me - if it was I would've stopped stanning a long time ago. Its not gonna change. 

I agree with you about the choreo - some of it is unacceptable and cringeworthy, and kind of ruins the song for me. 

agree with you about some of the costumes. I liked her VMA outfit - I disliked her outfits on the Today show -- the bright colored leotards need to go. Her costumes should be **** and the leotards are so 2011. I was only okay with the VMAs outfit because it looked really good on her and I liked its contrast with the backdrop. But the figure-skater yellow thing she wore today on the Today show was not that great. 

i'm not complainig about the lip sync but back in the day as a britney fan you must know that she used to do pre recording vocals or singing behind the track she even used to make some ''oooh' in her performances you know some things that shows that her mic is ON 

nowadays she's using THE TRACK for god sake THE TRACK

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Ok, i will agree that it's ridiculous to ask her to sing live, won't ever happen, however the op is spilling the tea, we ALL think that about her, we just won't admit it. THE CHOREOS ARE HORRIBLE, THE OUTFITS ARE KINDA TACKY. like seriously tho FIRE THAT GIRL and get her a REAL choreographer, for god's sake even Willie would do a better job... i am seriously so in love with this era, but today's performance video, was like, cringing, i was watching it with my brother and all he could say was that shes really stiff, which is not the problem, its that the choreo is disgusting and should be an offense to her legacy, Its not even about the charts, or the GP's acceptance, its the quality of the shows..



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4 minutes ago, IconicShow said:

Log out *****!

Either you enjoy Britney for who she is now or you don't and if you don't go join another fan base. It's ******* like you that have lonely boring lives and need to pick apart and try to control a woman that's worked for her fame, fortune and future.

Would love to take a look at your closet and see the tacky, disaster cheap ensembles you have stored away with your secrets.

She has nothing more to prove, she's said that learn to understand it or turn in your troll card. 

hmmm :quirkney: :orangu: :ohnoney: :sofedup: :britdrown: :arianabye:

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4 minutes ago, asas12 said:

Her kids are 9 and 10. In 6-8 years when they're older and really understand what she went through and what she does as a pop star she may be more willing to push the boundaries again. Hell, I could even see her kids encouraging her to be on top again. "Go on mom, go show Beyonce how it's really done." They might be the one's to push Britney back to her prime lol, but there's no way she's retiring in the next 10 years. I bet we have at least another 15-20 years from her, maybe with her albums more spread out. 

Ok a gotcha and totally agree...except on one part... Sis, do you really think Beyonka will still be here 6-8 years from now lol:ehidk:

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