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Do you think Britney Lost her Baby Costume?


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All her stuff is probably either auctioned off or in storage. Fe told me that there's a big storage warehouse in Louisiana with everything in it. I was asking her where are all her old stages if she still has them and she said they're all in a big warehouse with everything else. She said she was in there for hours looking for the costumes to display in the lobby.

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It's in some rock and roll restaurant in Vegas, she no longer owns it and I think it's been there since the Blackout era, which is crazy to think her team kept that outfit for so long.

I think she still technically has/owns every outfit she's ever worn professionally except the Gimme More music video outfit (auctioned off for charity) and the Elvis Presley suit for the DWAD Vegas posters (stolen straight from her dressing room). I'd love to see her rock that top she wore in 2001 with Aerosmith at the Super Bowl. Or that purple-black-silver ITZ corset. :yesplease: OMG THE LONELY PANTS FROM DWAD! :gloria: 

47 minutes ago, MeowBurglar said:

Part of her outfit was bought from Kmart the day of or night before lol


I can't remember where I read this. Maybe it was in that book by Felicia

Nigel said it. That it added to the charm because not one piece of clothing was over $20.

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2 hours ago, Breathe_On_Me said:

A better question is, where is the outfit from her BOMT album cover? The one with the pink backdrop, not the white.

It's literally a jean skirt, a red button-up and a white t. There's no way that wasn't her actual clothing, which means she probably chucked it once she got more clothes. Then again, I still have clothes from like 8 years ago, which are still perfectly intact... They just won't fit me until I stop looking like I swallowed my entire family. :gloria: (I also have everything to recreate that look, which I did in high school. Even bought cream-colored slipper shoes to match her nude sandals. Should've done crocs.)

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Like someone said it's at the hard rock in Vegas. I'm surprised she even has costumes to display a ph cause she has literally sold so much throughout the years. I still don't get why the 2000's vma costume isn't in Vegas cause to my knowledge the traveling exhibit it was apart of finished it's run a while back.

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The fire costume of OIDIA tour is in rock and roll hall of fame, for example. I'm pretty sure her VMA's 2000 outfit is there too 

33 minutes ago, Taystee said:

Like someone said it's at the hard rock in Vegas. I'm surprised she even has costumes to display a ph cause she has literally sold so much throughout the years. I still don't get why the 2000's vma costume isn't in Vegas cause to my knowledge the traveling exhibit it was apart of finished it's run a while back.


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19 hours ago, QuitmanDJ said:

Well I think that, considering at the time, it wasn't going to be a big iconic outfit, they probably just lost it or threw it out. They got it at Target so it wasn't anything special. The Oops outfit and every outfit after that were all more expensive and valuable so they kept those for sure. The random target pick up wasn't really anything special to them I bet.

K-Mart :)


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I know the 2001 VMA outfit went to the Britney Spears Foundation, but like that one is my favorite :mcry: I decorated my Uggs that Halloween to look like them hahahahhah well my mom did for me hahahha

I wish they had more at POM, like it's Vegasney, she has so many iconic outfits. 

32 minutes ago, SomeoneGimmeBritney said:

What about her outfit from the Stronger video and the MATM outfit? Those are some of my favourite Britney music video looks.

Omg the MATM outfit, so good!

And I'd really like to see the Diamond Bra from DWAD tour! Where is that? hahahah

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