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A Lesson to the Younger Fans About the Critics and Their Bullshit

Someone Who Knows

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Some of you younger fans might not know this, and some of the older fans might have let it slip their mind due to nostalgia, but critics always were mixed toward Britney during her romanticized prime, even for her iconic VMA peformances, her In the Zone era, Onyx, and more; she was called a glorified lip-syncing ******** by tons of losers and haters. She was constantly dragged for lip-syncing, her energy and choreography were always ignored and downplayed by music snobs, her beautiful personality and presence was not appreciated. In other words...they didn't know what they'd got til it was gone... Yes, she had supporters, but there was ALWAYS CONSTANT HATE, and it SUCKED, but we loved her anyway.

If all they have to drag her over for last night is the ******* lip-synching -- if they know they can't possibly go after her body, her dancing, her outfit, her charisma, and all they have is something we've all known for almost 20 years -- then she's back, *******. The seeeeeeeeeeeerious critics never appreciated her then, and they still don't, today, except when the same people who made her life hell in 2007 are pretending to be so proud of her comeback.

Last night was for US, the FANS. **** the papers, **** Beyonce, **** Twitter or what the **** eer. If you didn't appreciate last night, go delete your account and burn your Britney albums and posters, because if you can't appreciate WHAT IT MEANT for her to get up on that stage where she was humiliated 9 years ago, with just two dancers and a white screen, and own the stage, then you don't deserve what she's giving you.

Thank you, Britney, for being a model of resilience and proving to us that you can learn to LOVE LIFE again after going through HELL. The performance ruled, and it was a GREAT NIGHT to be a fan!


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4 minutes ago, Camilo said:

I always find it hillarious that the hoes who judges her performances are the ones who are fans since the circus era, or are 15-16, not even me that I've been stanning for ha since ******* 2000. 

I feel like I'm constantly giving you reputation today, slay! :) 

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4 minutes ago, Camilo said:

I always find it hillarious that the hoes who judges her performances are the ones who are fans since the circus era, or are 15-16, not even me that I've been stanning for ha since ******* 2000. 


Like the ones that say FF is her best album LOL

Brit don't even use that album LOL

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8 minutes ago, Someone Who Knows said:


Thank you, Britney, for being a model of resilience and proving to us that you can learn to LOVE LIFE again after going through HELL. The performance ruled, and it was a GREAT NIGHT to be a fan!



This really moved me :crying2::crying11:


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This is exactly how I feel.  I adore Britney.  Screw everything else being said.  Love her and am especially elated to see her so genuinely happy again.  Not going to lie, sometimes it does get to me when it feels like she is dumped on so much by the GP, but I've been with her since BOMT and you're right it isn't new.

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2 minutes ago, missmonroe said:

This is exactly how I feel.  I adore Britney.  Screw everything else being said.  Love her and am especially elated to see her so genuinely happy again.  Not going to lie, sometimes it does get to me when it feels like she is dumped on so much by the GP, but I've been with her since BOMT and you're right it isn't new.

Oh, it gets to me sometimes, too. But I hate seeing it get in the way of certain people enjoying what she does, especially when those people are supposed to be her biggest supporters. And I think a lot of fans who have not been around since the beginning have a romanticized vision of what things were like during her prime.

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I'm a total stan since FF era. I've been reading the comments after the performance and I'm so heart broken I couldn't even eat or sleep. I mean she's such a sweet person with a great personality. People are just so cruel. She didn't deserve any of the hate. Not even a bit. Thank you for this post :)

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16 minutes ago, Someone Who Knows said:

Some of you younger fans might not know this, and some of the older fans might have let it slip their mind due to nostalgia, but critics always were mixed toward Britney during her romanticized prime, even for her iconic VMA peformances, her In the Zone era, Onyx, and more; she was called a glorified lip-syncing ******** by tons of losers and haters. She was constantly dragged for lip-syncing, her energy and choreography were always ignored and downplayed by music snobs, her beautiful personality and presence was not appreciated. In other words...they didn't know what they'd got til it was gone... Yes, she had supporters, but there was ALWAYS CONSTANT HATE, and it SUCKED, but we loved her anyway.

If all they have to drag her over for last night is the ******* lip-synching -- if they know they can't possibly go after her body, her dancing, her outfit, her charisma, and all they have is something we've all known for almost 20 years -- then she's back, *******. The seeeeeeeeeeeerious critics never appreciated her then, and they still don't, today, except when the same people who made her life hell in 2007 are pretending to be so proud of her comeback.

Last night was for US, the FANS. **** the papers, **** Beyonce, **** Twitter or what the **** eer. If you didn't appreciate last night, go delete your account and burn your Britney albums and posters, because if you can't appreciate WHAT IT MEANT for her to get up on that stage where she was humiliated 9 years ago, with just two dancers and a white screen, and own the stage, then you don't deserve what she's giving you.

Thank you, Britney, for being a model of resilience and proving to us that you can learn to LOVE LIFE again after going through HELL. The performance ruled, and it was a GREAT NIGHT to be a fan!



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Amen!!! So sick of these baby fans who are acting like Brit dancing with a light up jump rope on Jimmy Kimmel was somehow better than what she did last night. What she did last night took courage and balls, the VMA performance of 07 legit nearly killed her career. If Blackout hadn't been the masterpiece it turned out to be, the 07 VMAs would have been Britney's funeral. :angietea:

It's truly an accomplishment for her to come back with full confidence and to put on such a minimal but still **** and great performance when she knew to expect the absolute worse from al the critics and the delusional fans that somehow think Ariana Grande struggling to find a note while riding an exercise bike is somehow better than what Brit pulled off. It wasn't a performance, it was a statement. Britney Spears is back and she does not give a **** about the critics. :saycheese:

To quote one of Paula Abdul's horribly flopped Idol singles (RIP) Britney is "JUST HERE FOR THE MUSIC!" :makesomenoise:

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I have to admit that initially i feel a little underwhelmed especially cause it happened in the wee hours of European time coupled by the extreme hype, Britney's insane high standards to live up to and such. All these led me to believe that something HUGE and ICONIC was about to happen last night and when it didn't I was not satisfied.

However, after Vevo so quickly uploaded that HD video of her performance and me watching it over and over again, I started to appreciate the performance so much! So much so that the time spent watching her goes really fast and I love it. I must comment that the first half was a lot better than the second half of the performance probably due to the facial expressions and less dancing involved. But it was something so fresh from Britney, something artistic, something mature and most importantly something which we all know she has been wanting to do for a long time and suits her direction now. I am proud of that daring performance!

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5 minutes ago, SequinsForThought said:

 It wasn't a performance, it was a statement. Britney Spears is back and she does not give a **** about the critics. :saycheese:

To quote one of Paula Abdul's horribly flopped Idol singles (RIP) Britney is "JUST HERE FOR THE MUSIC!" :makesomenoise:


Yes!! She was confident because she knew she was there because she REALLY WANTED TO PERFORM again and not just because it was expected of her, or to prove something to some critic, or to fulfill some redemption narrative. She made peace in her head with everything people would say before she made the decision she did. She did it for HER reasons, which is why she was so fun to watch last night and why she was always so fun to watch in the first place.

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