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My MOTM video concept


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I love the song so much I came up with a video 


so it starts out with her in a 1950's party dress with a tear stained face then cuts to her sitting in her bedroom window in a vintage robe looking out at the moon she then falls asleep and dreams of ball room dancing with a hot guy....

she wakes up puts a record on and begins to cry (the saddest songs part of the song) then it cuts to her in the party dress from her dream alone in a deserted ball room with a glass of champagne..... When the patients darling part starts to play she runs to the doors pushes them open and the man from her dream is waiting for her in the moonlit garden they dance and he spins her and when she comes back around he's gone

then for the bridge she's in her room again on the bed and walks slowly to the window and then for the final chorus she's reaching out the window and the man is reaching towards her from the sky their hands get close but never meet and the video ends 

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