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The problem with being Britney Spears is that everyone has an opinion

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I've been devouring all the Glory reviews (mostly because I'm curious what non-Stans think) and for the most part they've been positive. And some of them even review the album and not her personal life. But, even with that, it's pretty obvious that almost every reviewer has a personal opinion about Britney. Sure, some of those opinions are positive (anyone who refers to her as Godney is clearly a fan), and that definitely influences their reviews. However, after reading the reviews of Britney Jean, I know that even Stans can be critical (sometimes the most critical). Therefore, I have to believe that even though their love of Britney might cloud their review somewhat, it clearly isn't the sole reason for a positive one.

On the other hand, I believe that people with a negative opinion of Britney are far more likely to give her a negative review solely based on their dislike of her. Reading some of the negative Glory reviews, Britney's personal life is more front and center and the criticisms don't necessarily involve the actual music; rather, these critics attack her personal life choices, or they review the album based on what they THINK it should sound like (or what the lyrics should be: when a review gets upset because the album isn't personal, who said it had to be; we know that Jay-Z didn't cheat on Beyonce, which makes her album much less personal).

This problem doesn't seem to affect other artists quite as badly. The only other artist who even comes close to having their personal life choices affect the album that's being reviewed is Taylor Swift. However, that's only because her albums are all about her personal life choices. Read a Rihanna review - no one is bringing up her getting beaten up by Chris Brown (unless she's doing a song with him). Read an Adele review - they only talk about her voice. It's hard for Britney to get a fair shake, because if she makes some questionable life choices (and we all do), it affects album reviews. How many critics actually reviewed Blackout and not Britney's crazy antics?

With Glory, there are far less crazy antics to review. Therefore, critics who dislike Britney instead focus on the past (or, they compare her to other artists; most of whom, by the way, wouldn't have careers if it wasn't for Britney). One reviewer actually said that she doesn't reinvent herself, that she just does the same boring thing over and over. All she does is reinvention. She wouldn't even kiss Lady Gaga at the 2011 VMAS, because she "already did that before." Some even claim that Blackout and Femme Fatale just followed the trends and that's all she does is follow trends. They fail to mention that Britney started the trend of EDM music (first Freakshow, then Hold It Against Me).

The New Yorker claimed that Glory was simply Britney going back to 2000 and redoing that music all over again (but not in a cool way like Meghan Trainor). They said that she doesn't push the envelope. But when she did that on Femme Fatale, back before everyone did EDM, critics claimed she didn't care and she wasn't involved. In these situations, Britney can't win. If she goes back to an older sound, she's not making forward-thinking pop music. If she tries for a futuristic sound, she's called-out for not doing enough.

Most artists are allowed to move in any direction as long as it works. No one holds them to one sound or demands that they only make progressive music. Britney, unfortunately, is damned if she does (make progressive music) and damned if she doesn't.

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I've been reading all the reviews, too. No two are the same. And the only ones that actually seem to review the music are the ones clearly written by stans.

It makes me realize why Britney has just thrown in the towel and decided not to care about anyone else's opinion but her own.

No matter what she does it's never good enough. It's ridiculous.


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