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Lou M. Taylor

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I have two questions:


Question 1: Does Hola really work? I have it installed on Chrome and when I go to the Spotify website, it just opens my country's website (Argentina). Since I have a premium account I cannot change my country (i don't know why). I created a new free account to have it on repeat all day, but now I'm afraid it won't help with the US sales. Does anyone know it it works effectively? 

Question 2: I read on the other thread that you cannot silence the volume of the web player nor your device. What if I silence the tab the web player is on?

Have a great day! :arianabye:

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I have no idea how Apple Music works.

There's literally 3 steps in the OP, please do them and use Spotify.



How can i do this for Apple Music? So that my streams from my iPhone and PC go towards US charts?:mj:

I guess you should use hola to change your IP. By this, the whole internet connection will be located in the US. 

So playing apple music after hola is counted as comtribution to the US streaming I guess. But for sure, you should use an US apple music account to stream. 

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I hate having 397502753497 apps for the same thing. I have Apple Music and it's really good:mhm:

It's only for one week...


does cheating count towards billboard?

I don't get your question. Billboard uses the numbers reported by Spotify and Spotify has no way of knowing you're not from the US if you use a proxy.

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One way to make sure is where you are located at the moment is open fb or google sth in a private chrome browser. For example if you are in the Us the result from google ussually diffferent from what you were usually found in your country. They are supposed to provide results in the US.

all of those things are my imagination lol :)

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