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Can We Beat Drake's Views Streaming Record?

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In a word - no.


His album Views has the record for most streamed album in the US (week 1) with 245 million streams. This would've given him a massive album "sales" boost of 163,333! Incredible!


Beyonka's Diet Soda had 115 million streams (76,666 album sales boost!)




Of course, we can't match those stupidly good figures, but how many streams do you think Glory can expect in week 1 in the US alone? 



Streams > Album sales boosts:

5 million > 3333

10 million > 6666 

20 million > 13,333

30 million > 20,000

40 million > 26,666

50 million > 33,333

60 million > 40,000


I don't think anyone expects more than 60 million streams in week 1, do they? :(


PS - Make Me managed 5.3 million streams in the US in its first week. 


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this fanbase is seriously not lazy. the amount of work that was put into make me was incredible. there will always be people that stop at a certain point and i did too, that is just normal. you cant expect people to stream a song for an eternity. but just remember aaaaaall those threads that were specifically made for streaming make me with hundreds of links and many, many people streamed simultaneously on many sites and requested the song a million times. 


so stay positive and dont expect a world wonder but this fanbase really does a lot to strengthen britneys chart positions!!! :BBMAney:

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