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If You DON'T Do This Glory Will Not Go #1!


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(Made this thread again, because my last one wasn't appealing enough). WHIP OUT THE WALLETS, USE YOUR ITUNES GIFT CARDS AND SET ASIDE YOUR TIME:

1. PHYSICAL COPY: BUYING 25 COPIES OF AN ALBUM IN ONE TRANSACTION DOES NOT COUNT ON ANY CHART. Don't put a Frankie Grande. Buy the album one at a time at different stores or just ONCE at one store (however devoted you are). If you purchase the album at different occasions at the same store with a different card i'm sure it'll be fine too.  Pre-orders done now before release week, will arrive on release week and count for THAT week. So try to get your copy today! Tell your friends and family about it! 

- Pre-order now on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Glory-Deluxe-Version-Britney-Spears/dp/B01J2M5J7A

- Go ahead and purchase your copies in Target, Best Buy, HHgregg,  your local music store on release week

- Pre-order the vinyl copy! It's a nice collectible! And will boost sales! http://store.britneyspears.com/glory-vinyl-pre-sale.html

2. Buy a digital copy: Pre-order your copy of glory now and you'll receive it instantly on Thursday at 11pm EST! Gifting is crucial here! Go ahead and gift your family members the album or inform them that the album has been released and to check it out! Some people have bought the album on diff platforms, from iTunes to Google Play to Amazon Music for more credible counting!

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/glory-deluxe-version/id1139928388

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Britney_Spears_Glory_Deluxe_Version?id=Brfw2ve7vbt2pbhorbpfojwm46q&hl=en

Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/Deluxe-Version-Explicit-Britney-Spears/dp/B01JID9FPA

3. STREAM (SEA). 1500 song streams = 1 album sale. I can't explain how crucial this will be to Britney's success on the charts. Rihanna sold less than 20k copies one week but had millions of streams and was #1. WELCOME TO 2016 YA'LL. You must stream the album non-stop all week. Use Apple Music, Tidal and Spotify. Share the album with your friends and family so that they can get to know the album. Britney has a Make Me video available for streams on YouTube, put a song in between every 2-3 plays of Make Me and it will be more credible. Clumsy, Private Show and Do You Wanna Come Over (i'm sure others will be too) are also on her page, so go ahead and throw those songs in the mix instead of putting songs from different artists. If you get a little tired of the same order, put it on shuffle! You need to hear the majority of the album for it to count, and don't try to skip or anything. YOU CAN HOWEVER, speed up the speed on YouTube lol. DO NOT MUTE VOLUME, WON'T COUNT. 

4. SOCIAL MEDIA: If you love Britney Spears a lot, and you don't mind letting your friends know about it, post it on Facebook, Instagram and especially on your Snapchat stories! Post the download/stream links on your FB and Twitter posts. TREND #Glory on Twitter. Posting the Carpool Karaoke skit and VMA performance online will help it to trend, letting people know that Britney has more music out, make her viral! Posting YouTube videos with first-listen reactions, dance videos, and humor will help boost the album's popularity. SHARE SHARE SHARE.

5. REQUEST MAKE ME ON RADIO: Britney's song is anticipated to gain major popularity upon its release. The debut performance on television of the song will really boost its morale! Request Make Me on radio so that more people get to hear the song! This is yesterday's Make Me TOUCHMeAngel's thread, follow through with his daily threads: 


6. REPORT LEAKS NOW: Report leaks on Twitter, Youtube, and the like. The less people know about it the better. 

7. TEA: Purchasing individual songs on iTunes, Google Play or Amazon Music actually contributes to what's known as "TEA" - Track Equivalent Albums  "TEA equates 10 digital track sales from an album to one physical album sale." Basically: if you buy songs individually, then they'll chart on the iTunes charts as well, as individual tracks (Example: Lemonade - Beyonce). I suggest buying the tracks from the standard edition individually or from the other form of deluxe (clean version). If you mind having doubles of the songs, you can delete them (probably best to do this second week) or buy it on a service you don't use, like Google Play or Amazon Music. 

8. FUN PROMO: I invite the Army to consider fun ways to promote the album. Fan listening parties, posting signs in your neighborhoods, schools and universities. The Trump protests have been great promo! Comment below if you have cool ideas!

I know guys...I know it's hard for us to get that #1...but we ACTUALLY like her music this time, Britney Jean was a disappointment. Let's really try to fight for it this time, Britney and her team will do their part but let's unite and do ours. We have QUALITY now, let's reward Britney. 

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Such an amazing thread! You've puts lots of thought and work into this! As well as being united behind Glory and all of us trying to boost sales/streams, maybe we can try to outdo each other in terms of promo? In a friendly way tho, there's been enough fighting. For example: What I Did To Promote Glory.... and we all post pictures/evidence of how we've promoted the album. Even if it's little things like going into a music shop and putting Glory CDs at the front of every "G" section :gobaby:

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2 minutes ago, PraiseQueenBrit said:

Yes! Especially in the subways! 

Anyone live in NYC or London?


Yes it's really important especially subways.

all the big cities in the US IS CRUCIAL. The majority of the mid 20-30s work force uses subways to work and posters will actually raise their interests.  

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4 minutes ago, PraiseQueenBrit said:

Yes! Especially in the subways! 

Anyone live in NYC or London?


I live in SF we have a subway system!

but I think we should be worried about keeping the album on the charts, longevity. Cause it could debut high then fall off or come in a 2 or 3 and then swoop that number one later.


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Just now, Via Infinito said:

Yes it's really important especially subways.

all the big cities in the US IS CRUCIAL. The majority of the mid 20-30s work force uses subways to work and posters will actually raise their interests.  

Exactly. I know Galaxia (:P) fan site is leading a streaming campaign next week all week so we'll do the same

But we need to have little creative projects each day

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1 minute ago, DaddySayzee said:

I live in SF we have a subway system!

but I think we should be worried about keeping the album on the charts, longevity. Cause it could debut high then fall off or come in a 2 or 3 and then swoop that number one later.


No thats risky! Her albums always tend to crash after first week. Id rather it accumulate massively first week for that number 1 effect.

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1 minute ago, DaddySayzee said:

I live in SF we have a subway system!

but I think we should be worried about keeping the album on the charts, longevity. Cause it could debut high then fall off or come in a 2 or 3 and then swoop that number one later.


I know we want longevity but to be fair Britney's strongest promo is on the debut week and her strongest sales will lie there. 

We can keep the album in the top 10 with extra sales and HIGH streams the 2nd week and by then the GP just has to really run with it cuz we can't do much more for it. i heart comes in late september early october on tv

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