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My Music Video Ideas For Each Song On Glory!

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Invitation - Britney on a staircase with lots of jewels and diamonds on it and she's looking **** doing seductive poses.

Private Show - Britney backstage at her POM show twerking and having fun in her dressing room then at the end Felicia calls her to the stage.

Man On The Moon - Britney has a one night stand with a guy then in the middle of the night she wakes up and looks at the moon and cries because she wants love and a relationship instead of just hook ups.

Just Luv Me - Britney and her partner are having relationship problems, they have a huge fight, Britney then smashes glass on the ground in rage, she then breaks down and cries, her boyfriend then walks in and then they have ***.

Clumsy - Britney is at a meeting at work, she starts to zone out then it cuts to her and her dancers dancing and at the end someone calls her name and she's back from daydreaming

Do You Wanna Come Over - Britney and all her dancers in a house dancing and there's a line of guys waiting out the door to have *** with Britney, there's also a strip club scene

Slumber Party - Britney putting her boys to bed and then going downstairs to film a **** scene.

Just Like Me - Britney at a bar with a girl who looks similar to her looking at her. Then when Britney goes to the bathroom the other girl starts flirting with her boyfriend, they then get in a fight. There's also a scene of Britney looking homeless doing ***** in a big city and all the people walking by are all different Britneys.

Love Me Down - Britney drinking then setting her ex boyfriends house on fire and her struggling to get away from the police and at the end she gets shot.

Hard To Forget Ya - a Bollywood style music video with lots of dancing on the streets.

What You Need - a 1930s style video in black and white with Britney being a suffragette.

Better - starting with A 16 year old Britney look alike and her boyfriend going through the years, getting married, having kids, getting old etc

Change Your Mind - Britney at a bull ring then the crowd is shocked because Britney (a female) volunteered to do it, she then meets a man with a rose in his mouth and they go flamenco dancing

Liar - similar to Toxic & Womanizer, there are 3 girls, a housewife, a businesswomen and a prostitute. Britney is all of these girls and her boyfriend is lying about where he is to each of them

If I'm Dancing - Britney at a parade and she's on top of one of the floats dancing with her dancers, the whole crowd then joins in dancing and then it's a huge party.

Coupure Electrique - Britney in a dark room looking at a man seductively


if you guys like these threads I'm planning to make one for Blackout and Circus next if your interested:ahhh:

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