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If You Know Britney's Astrology Chart, You Know Whatsup


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Girl got a midheaven in cancer

in CANCER people

midheaven is the sign that kinda guides all your actions through life

so lets say you have a midheaven in capricorn, that means that throughout your life, you will act in a way that leads to that force, money. you will put money in a pedestal, you will let it guide your life and thats your choice at the end of the day

with brit brit, girl HAD capricorn as her south node. Her north node, is also in cancer

that means she had in her previous life RULED the capricorn sign (south node). and in this life she came to learn how to let go of the south node and move in the direction of the north node.

its not common at all to have both north node and midheaven in the same sign, but our girl brit brit has them, and that makes the cancer power even stronger in her life

take a look at the discription of the north node in cancer and see for yourself, our girl brit brit is in a journey of self discovery


Traditionally, the north node in cancer has been considered a lucky placement.  It gives good judgment and insight.  However, the corresponding South Node in Capricorn signifies a high strung nature and trouble with love relationships.

Key words for the North Node in Cancer are domesticity and mothering.  Many famous individuals with the north node in cancer placement are known for their home life or work with children, such as Maria Montessori, Mia Farrow, Brad Pitt, Joseph Kennedy, Michelle Obama, and Sarah Palin.  Sometimes heavy family responsibilities manifest in your life to help you develop the nurturing and emotional qualities you incarnated to experience.

Form past life time experiences, you bring with you a strong sense of ambition and pride.  In your own mind, you are at or near the top of an elaborate social caste system.  If you were not born into what you consider your rightful place, you may prefer to marry “up.”

let me know if yall want more insights on britney's astrology chart and ill help you figure it all out

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Since yall seem pretty lame in this matter, im just going to throw here what BRIT's sun sign (sagittarius) and moon sign (aquarius) combined mean

get ready to be stoked


Britney's title is: Pathfinder

You can expect the unexpected when a Sagittarius-Aquarian is present. You are very unpredictable and set quite high goals for yourself. You generally follow them through, with honesty and devotion. You get unnerved when anyone tries to restrict your freedom but you are good-hearted, nice, and warm. Freedom is your favorite expression and no one can order you around. People seek you out because you are unlike people they know as well as captivating, charismatic, and friendly. You can at least count on your identity even if you were to have nothing else on earth. Activities that suggest change and innovation attract you as do being involved with others. Your greatest gift is foresight. You seem to know instantly what tomorrow has in store and you are always tuned to the future. You often say and do things that are designed to shock people and you are restless and unconventional because you hate nothing more than arrogant satisfaction. You get mixed up and impatient when others cannot keep up with you and you are generally a few steps in front of everyone else. Though you are open minded and forgiving by nature, your impatience can give you an air of conceit. It is difficult for you to be totally open in your partnerships with others because your essential emotional nature is a bit detached and remote. You have some pretty crazy friends but friendship is very important to you. Your compelling charm generally works to your advantage as does your positive approach to others, but there are occasions when a shrewder perspective is better. Eagerness and amiability may take you a long way, but they will not bake any bread. You must have choices in whatever you elect to do for a career. Intellectual pursuits draw you and you have an intellect for the theoretical. Fields, which may attract you, are politics, urban planning, and social ethics. People look up to you and try to emulate your freedom. You need to stop now in order to allow the rest of the world to catch up, but you do have certain leadership possibilities. Surprisingly, you have somewhat authoritarian, sanctimonious attitudes even though you verbalize open minded and democratic visions. After you have formed some of those revolutionary notions and beliefs they stick, so you also have a stubborn streak. Always keep your mind open, but particularly later in life. You have more wisdom and pragmatism than other Sagittarians because of your Aquarian inner nature, but you are still a bit naive.


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1 minute ago, Body ache said:

Can you explain to me why she's flopping? :receipts:

because she's used to having power and money from previous lives. That does not mean she had previous lives, but you come in to this life with a past and a path. and she is used to it, she was born knowing all about it. NOW tho, when you get older, you start going in the direction of your north node, which for brit is in cancer. thats why she's focused on motherhood, and thats for life thats not a phase. and her north node description i posted on the op.

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1 minute ago, SlayOut said:

I'm Sagittarius like our Kween :queenflopga: But my moon sign is Scorpio. Idk what that means tbh :moorangu:

Sun in Sagittarius/Moon in Scorpio: Campaigner

You populate your life with variety and thrills and remain free-spirited and adventurous. In the hope of finding salvation for yourself or for others, you have plenty of rebelliousness in you and many Sagittarius- Scorpios have joined causes and missions. While you are gracious and idealistic, conceit often mars your good intentions. You have some powerful creative and management urges, but you are also very self- determining and prefer to clear your own special path in life. Your combination consists of the idealism, elevated vision, and transcendentalism of Sagittarius, which is fortified by an acute, driven, and ambitious Scorpio Moon. You may be busy building up your own unique perspective on life or book of law which enables you to close your mind to the concepts and beliefs of others. You are a very expressive individual with many prejudices and immovable beliefs and may appear somewhat distant and removed. At times, the utter concentration of your emotions deforms your perspective and good judgment. Those who see you as egotistical are probably correct. You actually do separate yourself from others. Billy the Kid, the American outlaw, is an excellent example of the maverick and rebellious SagittariusScorpio. Renewing yourself is one of your wonderful abilities. You love to dig deeply into unusual subjects and the exotic and the uncharted fascinate you. You are tempted by the delight of distant places and you love to travel. You seek to experience as much as possible in life and you are sensual and pleasure loving. No one can fetter your independent soul and you have a strong sense of free will. You always get up from falls, no matter how many times you are setback or personal misfortunes you encounter. Your mind is inquisitive and perceptive. You could be a member of the clergy, doctor, scientist, psychologist, or scholar with your wonderful intellectual and spiritual gifts. The necessities for your success in the world are controlling that desire to travel and learning to collaborate with others. Keeping your feelings balanced and guarding against extremes of thought and activity are important for you too. Sensationalizing and exaggerating are things you have a tendency to do. Attempt to detach yourself a bit from your behavior and acquire a more objective viewpoint.


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1 minute ago, Nando. said:

because she's used to having power and money from previous lives. That does not mean she had previous lives, but you come in to this life with a past and a path. and she is used to it, she was born knowing all about it. NOW tho, when you get older, you start going in the direction of your north node, which for brit is in cancer. thats why she's focused on motherhood, and thats for life thats not a phase. and her north node description i posted on the op.

She was so hot for that guy in the make me video. I was sure he fixed her nodes. :truthtea:

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9 minutes ago, Slayde said:

All I know is she is a Sagittarius like me but my Midheaven is in Virgo! What does this mean? And also My true north node is Sagittarius too ;)

Those born with a Midheaven in Virgo have the courage to honestly look deep into themselves and use what they learn as a guide. Language is a healing tool to them. They use it in all their daily activities. Their good handle on language can direct them toward a career in science or the literary arts. Teaching may also be appealing to them, as may training or research of some kind. They make excellent librarians, medical personnel and may also be drawn to farming or alternative medicine depending on other signs coming into play in their chart. Whatever they choose, they take their commitments seriously. Virgo Midheaven tends to play it safe when choosing a career. They may feel something is missing in their job, that they are unable to fulfill their potential. While this may be due to attitude in part, sometimes they really do need to seek inner guidance on how they can best fulfill their potential and still make a living. They have the ability to see the big picture, and strive for the better.

The north node in sagittarius foretells great happiness and good relations with close family. The Dragon’s Tail in Gemini indicates difficulties with distant relatives and possible disputes over money. This would have happened in past lives.

In past lives you were superficial, changing your mind and opinions frequently To balance your fickle and mercurial previous nature, you incarnated to learn loyalty and autonomy in this lifetime. Your soul experiences have left you fearing commitment to any one point of view, since you have learned over time to see the truth in both sides of an argument You never gave wholly of yourself and thus were free to speak one way one day and another the next. You may still have the tendency to try on changing demeanors and opinions with those you meet until you get from the listener an acknowledgement that you have finally spoken “the truth” (as they see it anyway). Such behavior will not get you far in this lifetime.  You must strive to ascertain and speak your own truth which will come to you through intuition and the higher mind.

I also have north node in sagittarius and i kinda love it ;)

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2 minutes ago, Nando. said:

Sun in Sagittarius/Moon in Scorpio: Campaigner

omg the slayage! Thanks @Nando.! Do you visit a specific website for this?! Or have all this knowledge yourself? ;)

"In the hope of finding salvation for yourself or for others, you have plenty of rebelliousness in you and many Sagittarius- Scorpios have joined causes and missions." Slay that Rebellion reference! :queenflopga: When will Rebellion tbh :tiffanynod:

"At times, the utter concentration of your emotions deforms your perspective and good judgment. Those who see you as egotistical are probably correct. You actually do separate yourself from others." nnnnnnn no lies detected :moorangu: probably explains my utter disillusion with the original Make Me video being scrapped causing my meltdowns

"You love to dig deeply into unusual subjects and the exotic and the uncharted fascinate you. You are tempted by the delight of distant places and you love to travel. You seek to experience as much as possible in life and you are sensual and pleasure loving." I'm ready for #Glory :TOMH: And looking for that someone to make me ooooh! :werk:

"You always get up from falls, no matter how many times you are setback or personal misfortunes you encounter." Slay just like our Queen :crying1:

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Just now, Silver_Nintendo said:

Britney has her Moon in Aquarius? That's my solar sign :clap:

I don't remember my middle heaven, I have my astrology chart saved in my phone but it doesn't list it :(

do it here http://www.astrotheme.com/free_astrological_atlas.php and tell us what it is

your best friends and people you will find in life are the ones that have their moon in your sun sign

it will be even more special if you have your moon sign also in the sun sign of the other person

than it will be extreme magic ;)

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28 minutes ago, Nando. said:

Those born with a Midheaven in Virgo have the courage to honestly look deep into themselves and use what they learn as a guide. Language is a healing tool to them. They use it in all their daily activities. Their good handle on language can direct them toward a career in science or the literary arts. Teaching may also be appealing to them, as may training or research of some kind. They make excellent librarians, medical personnel and may also be drawn to farming or alternative medicine depending on other signs coming into play in their chart. Whatever they choose, they take their commitments seriously. Virgo Midheaven tends to play it safe when choosing a career. They may feel something is missing in their job, that they are unable to fulfill their potential. While this may be due to attitude in part, sometimes they really do need to seek inner guidance on how they can best fulfill their potential and still make a living. They have the ability to see the big picture, and strive for the better.

The north node in sagittarius foretells great happiness and good relations with close family.  The Dragon’s Tail in Gemini indicates difficulties with distant relatives and possible disputes over money.  This would have happened in past lives.

In past lives you were superficial, changing your mind and opinions frequently To balance your fickle and mercurial previous nature, you incarnated to learn loyalty and autonomy in this lifetime. Your soul experiences have left you fearing commitment to any one point of view, since you have learned over time to see the truth in both sides of an argument You never gave wholly of yourself and thus were free to speak one way one day and another the next. You may still have the tendency to try on changing demeanors and opinions with those you meet until you get from the listener an acknowledgement that you have finally spoken “the truth” (as they see it anyway). Such behavior will not get you far in this lifetime.  You must strive to ascertain and speak your own truth which will come to you through intuition and the higher mind.

I also have north node in sagittarius and i kinda love it;)

Thanks! I love it! I do use language as a tool in my day to day life and always have! Slay it! :omgawd: And bahaha I had a job as a librarian over summer once and grew up on a farm (don't know if I could be a farmer tho) :chershade:

I haven't even chosen my career yet so that just confirms why, I always felt like I wasn't ready for a career and needed more life experience :makesomenoise:

We have the same north node! Slay it! Also could you please tell me how do you find your south node or what is it referred to on the chart? ;)

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3 minutes ago, Slayde said:

Thanks! I love it! I do use language as a tool in my day to day life and always have! Slay it! :omgawd: And bahaha I had a job as a librarian over summer once and grew up on a farm (don't know if I could be a farmer tho) :chershade:

I haven't even chosen my career yet so that just confirms why, I always felt like I wasn't ready for a career and needed more life experience :makesomenoise:

We have the same north node! Slay it! Also could you please tell me how do you find your south node or what is it referred to on the chart? ;)

glad you like it!!

the charts never show what your south node is because it is in direct opposition to your north node

so looking at the 360º you can see that our south node is in gemini ;)

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  • Super Mods
3 minutes ago, Nando. said:

do it here http://www.astrotheme.com/free_astrological_atlas.php and tell us what it is

your best friends and people you will find in life are the ones that have their moon in your sun sign

it will be even more special if you have your moon sign also in the sun sign of the other person

than it will be extreme magic ;)

WAIT omg I went to this website, input my exact info, and it says that my moon is Aquarius :queenie: I went on other sites and I always got that my moon was Scorpio :wontcry: Apparently my ascending sun is Scorio tho, and my MC is Leo

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12 minutes ago, Nando. said:

glad you like it!!

the charts never show what your south node is because it is in direct opposition to your north node

so looking at the 360º you can see that our south node is in gemini ;)

OMG Thanks! So does that mean I was a Gemini in a past life? It might explain why I like Gemini people also? :kisses2all:

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