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To every ******* that is butthurt enough to cancel their pre-order

Lucky's Bitch

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Are you a ******* idiot ? :xcuseme:

No seriously i want to know.

WHO THE ****...Takes away their pre-order from an artist that they love because of a MUSIC VIDEO ????

I get it,you want the original version and i do too,but is one video enough for you to go out of your way to leave rude comments on Britney's social media and then claim you are a stan ????

Get over yourself-

And also for all of you getting butthurt as **** because of a music video:


So hate on this thread and ban me if you want but you are all fake stans for doing this ****.

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I do. Hit them in the pockets. I can easily just buy it once it comes out. It's not like there's a special track for pre-orders. You cannot tell people how to spend their money. We are using our voice in every way possible against false advertisement. Still love Britney and will buy the album anyway. I ask people to join the movement with me. :chershade:

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We're just tired of their bullshit every era, this time is not about fake fans who complaining for everything, this time is huge, this is the first time that almost all the Army comes together to ask for explanations and this time we deserve it. If you're ok with all this mess is your deal, but don't try to put titles like "fake fans" to all of us just because we are not happy with everything they do.

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10 minutes ago, Brian-Ryan said:

I do. Hit them in the pockets. I can easily just buy it once it comes out. It's not like there's a special track for pre-orders. You cannot tell people how to spend their money. We are using our voice in every way possible against false advertisement. Still love Britney and will buy the album anyway. I ask people to join the movement with me. :chershade:

what movement? to boycott buying the album so her sales look bad because you didn't like the music video which might just lead to her not releasing future music even though you like the songs? ****** LUNACY 

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Just now, seanl3s said:

what movement? to boycott buying the album so her sales look bad because you didn't like the music video which might just lead to her not releasing future music even though you like the songs? ****** LUNACY 


It's my money I can use it how I want to, buy what I want to, spend on what I want to... :myjam:

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21 minutes ago, Lucky's ***** said:

Are you a ******* idiot ? :xcuseme:

No seriously i want to know.

WHO THE ****...Takes away their pre-order from an artist that they love because of a MUSIC VIDEO ????

I get it,you want the original version and i do too,but is one video enough for you to go out of your way to leave rude comments on Britney's social media and then claim you are a stan ????

Get over yourself-

And also for all of you getting butthurt as **** because of a music video:


So hate on this thread and ban me if you want but you are all fake stans for doing this ****.

honie it's NOT only one music video it's years and years of let downs 

search it well

this was the cherish

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Eh, this happens every time Britney does something they don't like.  They hate her, they're done supporting her, they're moving on to another artist, etc.  :ririshade2:  We all know they'll love her again in a few days.  And I guarantee that 99% of them haven't actually canceled their pre-orders, they're just talking ****. :ririshade2: 

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I still don't understand why a video can't make someone cancel or dislike an album that hasn't been released yet and probably will be a great album! You guys have the right to use your money obviously with what you want... But the ERA is starting... Wait til' the inevitable vma's and iheart to judge, Britney is in her best comparing to dead fatale era, please guys be reasonable it will get better! Don't ruin a good album that is coming!!

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19 minutes ago, Anibalto said:

We're just tired of their bullshit every era, this time is not about fake fans who complaining for everything, this time is huge, this is the first time that almost all the Army comes together to ask for explanations and this time we deserve it. If you're ok with all this mess is your deal, but don't try to put titles like "fake fans" to all of us just because we are not happy with everything they do.


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