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Britney be like...


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27 minutes ago, It'sSamB!tch said:

people are like "she doesn't decide it"


please do yuo actually think a star like Britney hasn't got a say in when she wants to release an album? DELUSIONAL LMAO. If Britney wanted Vegas it happened, Britney wanted Toxic as a single-> it happened ->wanted to perform BOM and TOMH -> it happened.


she gets a say in an album release as well. Stop trying to talk everythng good, she's not a saint. Some will still defend her if she confessed committing a ****** lmao.

Fact is: Britney is not passionate and open about her music and it's annoying. I have ALWAYS DEFEND HER but I am so done with her, I like her music yes but if she's too damn lazy to even spell MAKE ME a few times I am D.O.N.E.


other artists have WAY more respect for their fans and yes please come at me, it only proves somehow deep inside you know I'm telling the truth.

LMFAO artists don't control when an album is going to be released. Those examples you gave are dumb to say the least, considering picking a date for an album release is different to choosing which song you want to put out as a single. 


If you're done with her then leave instead of creating more threads about it. Britney doesn't need flip flopping ********** like you :MCwave:

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Guest I Think I'm Ready Now

And the fact that the single is out, it doesn't mean that her label has decided the release date of the album. :thetea: Maybe they just have an idea. :thetea:

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Well, what if the record label is telling her and her team different things? I agree with the person that said she sounded a bit frustrated that she, herself, doesn't know when it's going to release. I think it's all done (the mixing, photoshoot, etc.), they just don't have an exact date on when it's going to be released. It's annoying when people are quick to say "Britney doesn't know when her album is dropping? Well damn that absolutely, 100%, proves she has no say or input in the album at all." Like, how does that indicate that? It's probably RCA that's holding it up. 

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47 minutes ago, It'sSamB!tch said:

people are like "she doesn't decide it"


please do yuo actually think a star like Britney hasn't got a say in when she wants to release an album? DELUSIONAL LMAO. If Britney wanted Vegas it happened, Britney wanted Toxic as a single-> it happened ->wanted to perform BOM and TOMH -> it happened.


she gets a say in an album release as well. Stop trying to talk everythng good, she's not a saint. Some will still defend her if she confessed committing a ****** lmao.

Fact is: Britney is not passionate and open about her music and it's annoying. I have ALWAYS DEFEND HER but I am so done with her, I like her music yes but if she's too damn lazy to even spell MAKE ME a few times I am D.O.N.E.


other artists have WAY more respect for their fans and yes please come at me, it only proves somehow deep inside you know I'm telling the truth.

Britney wanted Original Doll it .... um well......

Plus Britney doesn't decide the release date, she records, maybe participates in the writing process, rejects demos she dislikes, most likely names her album and THAT'S IT, what's left is up to the record label.

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Is this thread a joke? Do you know how often a artist/label will release a lead single but still not have a set date for the album? Look @ Rihanna with ANTI she released ***** Better Have My Money but ANTI itself didnt come out until a whole YEAR later lol meanwhile Rihanna is like "its coming!"

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20 minutes ago, Mario Posey said:

Is this thread a joke? Do you know how often a artist/label will release a lead single but still not have a set date for the album? Look @ Rihanna with ANTI she released ***** Better Have My Money but ANTI itself didnt come out until a whole YEAR later lol meanwhile Rihanna is like "its coming!"

It's so funny how the OP said he was done with Britney; "she doesn't care about her fans" because she didn't know when the album was going to be released? :rihcackle:

lbr she probably did know but didn't want to say anything in case the label changed their mind and pushed it back. Or she was trolling us :chershade:

Regardless, I wonder what his thoughts are on this now? @It'sSamB!tch :chershade:

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1 minute ago, GiveMeASign96 said:

It's so funny how the OP said he was done with Britney; "she doesn't care about her fans" because she didn't know when the album was going to be released? :rihcackle:

lbr she probably did know but didn't want to say anything in case the label changed their mind and pushed it back. Or she was trolling us :chershade:

Regardless, I wonder what his thoughts are on this now? @It'sSamB!tch :chershade:

Hunnie these so called "fans" look for any reason to turn on Britney

Like he was really reaching so ******* hard with this thread

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