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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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4 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

And now we've entered assumptions. Wow...... you really are so dumb and painfully desperate.

I guess this is what you're left with now isn't it when you know you've got jack **** to show for.

False and drastic assumptions against someone that openly admits its about government, not people.


Nope. just stating what I see. Grasp for straws I guess.


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22 minutes ago, David Rose said:

I've seen footage of Israelis being gunned down and stabbed with my own eyes too. Palestinians retaliated to innocent lives being taken from them, I never denied that, nor did I say I didn't understand it. That doesn't change the fact that Israel never, ever targets innocent people and kills just for the sake of killing. Never. If you believe that, that's your prerogative. But it's not true.

To say there isn't two sides to this, and that Israel kills with the intent of taking innocent lives, is very wrong. But you're so drowned in propagandist news coverage that you can't see anything outside your bubbled point of view. 

I've never stated Israel have killed for the sake of killing though. Are you reading anything I post now or do you just respond
with defense and no logic? How can a country not ****** innocent people when it is globally known it destroyed Palestinian homes
and ******** civilians for the sake of creating their own land? NONE OF THAT MAKES SENSE. NOT ONE SHRED.
The fact that you disregarded what I mentioned about the father and son being ********, but then claim they haven't ********
innocent lives again proves that you're only continuing to deny crimes to protect Israel. That is wrong whether you like it or not.
I cannot believe you are stupid enough to claim that Israel has never ******** anyone innocent, when its been publicised and proved
that they have for years and years. Its all over the internet. **** the news, you don't even need the news to know it. Its all out there
for crying out loud and you're completely in denial of it. You're shocking..... you truly are. It astounds me how you think claiming such a impossible fantasy is the way forward or a rational way of debating anything. Who the **** are you lol..... I'm starting to seriously wonder whether you're just either upset with me because I've pointed out these crimes, or because you're just one of these bias individuals that can't deal with people being honest and open about things a country has done.   

Israel is not perfect.... not even perfect to a point where they've never killed innocent lives. Get the **** real you desperate, illogical psychopath.  

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5 minutes ago, Body ache said:

Nope. just stating what I see. Grasp for straws I guess.


Thanks again for doing what I predicted you'd do. Do it again x

9 minutes ago, Body ache said:

It's no use in replying to ignorance. They're in denial and want to believe in something that doesnt exist to justify their claims.

Why do you keep telling him its no use in replying then when that's all you seem to be doing. Do you have any logic whatsoever lol? I can't. :orangu: 

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17 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

I've never stated Israel have killed for the sake of killing though. Are you reading anything I post now or do you just respond
with defense and no logic? How can a country not ****** innocent people when it is globally known it destroyed Palestinian homes
and ******** civilians for the sake of creating their own land? NONE OF THAT MAKES SENSE. NOT ONE SHRED.
The fact that you disregarded what I mentioned about the father and son being ********, but then claim they haven't ********
innocent lives again proves that you're only continuing to deny crimes to protect Israel. That is wrong whether you like it or not.
I cannot believe you are stupid enough to claim that Israel has never ******** anyone innocent, when its been publicised and proved
that they have for years and years. Its all over the internet. **** the news, you don't even need the news to know it. Its all out there
for crying out loud and you're completely in denial of it. You're shocking..... you truly are. It astounds me how you think claiming such a impossible fantasy is the way forward or a rational way of debating anything. Who the **** are you lol..... I'm starting to seriously wonder whether you're just either upset with me because I've pointed out these crimes, or because you're just one of these bias individuals that can't deal with people being honest and open about things a country has done.   

Israel is not perfect.... not even perfect to a point where they've never killed innocent lives. Get the **** real you desperate, illogical psychopath.  

You're literally insane. I never said Israel has never taken an innocent life, in fact I explained the exact opposite and why it was the case. You're taking isolated incidents and painting an entire picture based on one brush stroke. It's like me saying Islam is evil and Muslims are evil for the isolated actions of extremists. Maybe try making an argument that doesn't revolve around petty insults and people might take you more seriously. You're embarrassing yourself.

And by the way, making blanket statements like "Israel is evil and doesn't deserve to be a country" and then going on and on about how you don't hate them is kind of ridiculous. The hypocrisy is never ending with you. 

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55 minutes ago, David Rose said:

You're literally insane. I never said Israel has never taken an innocent life, in fact I explained the exact opposite and why it was the case. You're taking isolated incidents and painting an entire picture based on one brush stroke. It's like me saying Islam is evil and Muslims are evil for the isolated actions of extremists.

Maybe try making an argument that doesn't revolve around petty insults and people might take you more seriously. You're embarrassing yourself.

And by the way, making blanket statements like "Israel is evil and doesn't deserve to be a country" and then going on and on about how you don't hate them is kind of ridiculous. The hypocrisy is never ending with you. 

This is hilarious. 

Me painting an entire picture with one brush stroke would be like saying all Israelis are murderers and evil.
When was that said? When? That has never been said here. Instead what has been mentioned is what the government did 
to innocent civilians and the crimes done against Palestine as a whole. Who is talking about hate here, especially if you're on
about hatred towards Israeli people. You're so off topic it hurts. You're back-peddling now and reaching for a defense.
You say make an argument instead of revolve around petty insults... hang on a minute, excuse me, lets get real, fair and honest here...
who threw out the insults first and attacked someone for sharing their personal view on this? You did. So you can take your own ******* advice mate and shove it up your ******* ***, because now you're embarrassing yourself even more than you already have and clearly forgetting everything you said earlier.

You also now have changed my words YET AGAIN and said I stated that I 'hated' Israel as a whole, when I've been more than clear
this is strictly about the GOVERNMENT and not the PEOPLE. 


For **** sake! I cannot believe how much I have had to help carry you through this pathetic excuse of a debate. Why you even bother is beyond me?! For someone who thinks a country is incapable of ********* innocent people when ironically their entire history is soaked in blood and terrorism is so dumb I can't even believe you've had the guts to say it. There is honestly no ******* hope for you at this point. You're disgusting for justifying and defending all the excessive pain and terror that has been inflicted on all these poor people. I agreed with you no Israeli civilians should have been killed. You on the other hand have yet to say the same for Palestinians due to the fact that you've been too busy defending and lying for Israel. Unbelievable! You have no respect for equal or human rights and are deluded to a degree I never knew existed to be quite honest with you. **** the hell off you dumb, confused, prejudice, hateful little creep. You ain't got **** mate. Jack ****! Move on already and get a real education for your own sake and so people don't have to keep correcting and educating you.


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2 hours ago, Kiiddy said:

This is hilarious. 

Me painting an entire picture with one brush stroke would be like saying all Israelis are murderers and evil.
When was that said? When? That has never been said here. Instead what has been mentioned is what the government did 
to innocent civilians and the crimes done against Palestine as a whole. Who is talking about hate here, especially if you're on
about hatred towards Israeli people. You're so off topic it hurts. You're back-peddling now and reaching for a defense.
You say make an argument instead of revolve around petty insults... hang on a minute, excuse me, lets get real, fair and honest here...
who threw out the insults first and attacked someone for sharing their personal view on this? You did. So you can take your own ******* advice mate and shove it up your ******* ***, because now you're embarrassing yourself even more than you already have and clearly forgetting everything you said earlier.

You also now have changed my words YET AGAIN and said I stated that I 'hated' Israel as a whole, when I've been more than clear
this is strictly about the GOVERNMENT and not the PEOPLE. 


For **** sake! I cannot believe how much I have had to help carry you through this pathetic excuse of a debate. Why you even bother is beyond me?! For someone who thinks a country is incapable of ********* innocent people when ironically their entire history is soaked in blood and terrorism is so dumb I can't even believe you've had the guts to say it. There is honestly no ******* hope for you at this point. You're disgusting for justifying and defending all the excessive pain and terror that has been inflicted on all these poor people. I agreed with you no Israeli civilians should have been killed. You on the other hand have yet to say the same for Palestinians due to the fact that you've been too busy defending and lying for Israel. Unbelievable! You have no respect for equal or human rights and are deluded to a degree I never knew existed to be quite honest with you. **** the hell off you dumb, confused, prejudice, hateful little creep. You ain't got **** mate. Jack ****! Move on already and get a real education for your own sake and so people don't have to keep correcting and educating you.


I never said I condoned the killing of innocent Palestinians. I did say flat out that I understand why they react the way they do. My main goal was to convey the reasons behind why so many innocent Palestinian civilians inevitably end up dying. I never said they deserve it, and I never condoned it. I also NEVER said Israel was "incapable of ********* innocent people."  Don't go on about reading comprehension and me putting words in your mouth if you're gonna come back and do the same thing.

What I said was, innocent Palestinians dying is a harsh reality that is, for the most part, unavoidable in the war on terror that Israel fights every day. Innocent people do die, on both sides. That said, Israel is not TARGETING innocent people specifically. That is what I said before, and I'm saying it again. Have innocent people been killed in cold blood? Absolutely. Is Israel's goal to kill innocent people who are just trying to live their lives peacefully? Absolutely not.

You said "Israel doesn't deserve to be a country." A direct quote. My interpretation of that is you hate Israel and Israelis. That's not exactly a far reach there. You contest that Israel kills innocent Palestinians, and targets THEM specifically. You contest that it's because of RELIGION and soil that they do this. If that is what you believe, and I think you have made clear that it is, then me drawing conclusions like you hate the country and it's people isn't so crazy. Just because you never directly said "I hate them" doesn't mean I cant read between the lines and interpret your words in what I consider to be a very obvious way. If I misinterpreted you, then I can take ownership of that.

You can't take a country, the only country in the Middle East, that embraces not just freedom of sexuality but ALSO FREEDOM OF RELIGION (Islam is one of the more dominant religions in Israel, amongst many), and then go on to say they kill just because of religion. That doesn't make any sense at all, and you don't need a masters degree to see that. Somewhere in your rants, you also go as far as to say there isn't two sides to this issue, it's 100% Israel wrong and Palestinian right with zero compromise. Like... Really though? There's two or more sides to every story, but this one is an exception? This is proof in itself that you can't look at the situation objectively. You cant even acknowledge another point of view EXISTS. Which on some level, I understand. You obviously have very strong feelings on the issue and have possibly even felt the devastating effects of the killing first hand. Like...I get it. But at the same time I also think this makes you incapable of discussing the issue objectively without telling anyone who doesn't see things exactly as you do that they are evil personified.

For insulting you first, and throughout this exchange, I apologize, regardless of how you feel about me and about Israel. For the record, I have many Muslim friends, some who I consider best friends, and I actively fight against the racist, misguided hate towards them almost every day of my life. Israel, its people, and its government are far from perfect, and the same can be said about the Palestinians surrounding them.

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Anderson Cooper tearing up, saying the names. :( @Zeik89 @Kiiddy @Young Törless @breaktheiceofmrv @SexyJeans @Simon Cowell @TheVirtuoso @Connor Walsh @Nick Jonas @Zatanna @Heavenly @Mona Lisa 81 @DaddySayzee

Edit: He was reportedly gay...


Mateen was also a regular at the club and exchanged messages with at least one gay man on a gay dating app.


“(He’d get) really, really drunk... He couldn’t drink when he was at home—around his wife, or family. His father was really strict... He used to ***** about it,” Smith told the Canadian Press.

Source: http://gawker.com/orlando-shooter-was-reportedly-a-regular-at-pulse-and-h-1781920316



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20 minutes ago, - Kyle - said:


I knew he had gay inclinations, I ******* knew it. You don't develop that level of hatred unless the issue somehow touches you personally, which clearly it did.

This make me feel even more sick about the whole thing, if thats possible...

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2 hours ago, Body ache said:

The shooter was a closet gay and his religion made him repress himself. It's all in the koran. Look it up.

I was trying to be really nice even tho you were so rude but that's enough.you are spreading hate.Your religion does just the same.Also a christian could kill gays in the name of the christianity
and the proof is;
Leviticus 20:13: "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
**** off now

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29 minutes ago, - Kyle - said:

My heart is breaking,i can hear it's shattering...I can't help but thinking their bright gone lives and their desperate families..

Every people,every life is important equally but politicians don't stop the hate.They feed people with hate so they be able to direct them.These tragedies keep happening at everywhere,everyday in different forms.We have to choose our leaders,politicians better.Peace,education,wisdom...everything connected with who we voted in democtatic countries.We have to do something for our future.Love is the only key for us.We might die like this someday at somewhere.We have to stop this :crying2:


***All religions are the same.We can see a lot of religion wars and maniacs in history.Stop with the hate and be a human!

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