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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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53 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

Brainwashed? Are you educated at all? Do you read or watch the news? Do you know anything?
You need to educate yourself fast before you even attempt to start with me or will I drag you to ******* filth you ****.
Everybody knows damn well of the disgusting, foul, immoral, evil and unforgivable atrocities Israel has done to Palestine
and other innocent lives. There is a reason why so many people have gone to such incredible lengths to prevent
Israel from ********* more lives and breaking international law. Why the **** would you wanna be in denial about that?
Are you really that sick, twisted, selfish, heartless and that ****** up?
Don't you ******* DARE excuse, justify, lie or twist facts for the sake of Israel because that would make you beyond
disgusting, ignorant and deluded. What they have done to children and innocent civilians is inhumane and nothing will ever stop people from seeing it otherwise. There is a damn well good reason why so many places, including the United Kingdom that do marches every year and set up charities for Palestine. You're a shameful piece of **** for having the audacity to support terrorism tbh because that is what you have just done. Period. How ******* dare you!

Its a terrorist country and you will ******* deal with that tbqh. Deal with that truth or gtfo. Period. You absolute simpleton. Get out of sight you absolute useless cretin of a being. Disgraceful.

You're legitimately mentally ill and are actually so much worse than any of the people you are condemning, because you are blind to your own tragically misguided views and then have the audacity to come at other people for doing the exact **** you yourself do. You're a hypocritical, brainwashed psychopath. I'm a university educated person, just FYI. And I do follow and read up on world events very closely. The very problem is people like you who eat up what the media tells them and can't formulate an educated opinion outside of that bubble. You are exactly what you wish others NOT to be. You are the definition of uneducated and narrow minded and try to play it off like you know **** when you know nothing apart from what the masses tell you.

The only person you are dragging to filth is yourself you miserable fucktard.

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3 minutes ago, Body ache said:

Then go to the middle east as a open gay then come back to me and say I was wrong. :lessons:

Already have mate....... in Iran!!!!   :HAHA:

You need to stop attacking Islam and other Islamic countries. You're a prejudice prick.
Not every Islamic country or Muslim is what you are trying to paint them as. You're so ignorant its shocking.


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Are you trying to say that the Palenstinian countries you are defending haven't taken innocent lives? Haven't engaged in backwards political policy? Haven't ******** in the name of their religion? Even if the Israeli government is corrupt on some level, tell me a country in the Middle East that isn't. Please share your infinite wisdom, oh blessed one.

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4 minutes ago, David Rose said:

Are you trying to say that the Palenstinian countries you are defending haven't taken innocent lives? Haven't engaged in backwards political policy? Haven't ******** in the name of their religion? Even if the Israeli government is corrupt on some level, tell me a country in the Middle East that isn't. Please share your infinite wisdom, oh blessed one.

He can't all muslim middle eastern countries are corrupt.

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11 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

Already have mate....... in Iran!!!!   :HAHA:

You need to stop attacking Islam and other Islamic countries. You're a prejudice prick.
Not every Islamic country or Muslim is what you are trying to paint them as. You're so ignorant its shocking.


I didn't know Iran had pride. Go to saudi arabia pls. Also you can't act gay in public in Iran and women have to completely cover themselves in public before going out. That's oppression and their government is corrupt. I choose Isreal thx bye. :queenflopga:

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18 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

lol than you didnt watch the video its obvious that they hate christian.They were about to kill him just because he's christian.

Ohh a few ppl want to kill christians I'm so scared. It's still much safer than a whole government wanting to kill christians, gays, progressive women, and people who just want to voice their opinions.

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5 minutes ago, Body ache said:

Ohh a few ppl want to kill christians I'm so scared. It's still much safer than a whole government wanting to kill christians, gays, progressive women, and people who just want to voice their opinions.

You started with this '' muslims are guilty,being muslim is bad'' so than being christian is bad too.Dont make me show verses from the bible its much worse than Quran and both of us know this.Just because people dont read and dont give a f about their religion in USA doesnt mean that Christianity is amazing and safe lol They just dont care about religion.So you should blame every religion not just islam

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1 minute ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

You started with this '' muslims are guilty,being muslim is bad'' so than being christian is bad too.Dont make me show verses from the bible its much worse than Quran and both of us know this.Just because people dont read and dont give a f about their religion USA doesnt mean that Christianity is amazing and safe lol

Not saying it is, but muslim governments build their countries on religion while the US is religion free and its working out for them. Something's got to give. Don't tell me that muslims countries are better than the US because its not.

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7 minutes ago, Body ache said:

Not saying it is, but muslim governments build their countries on religion while the US is religion free and its working out for them. Something's got to give. Don't tell me that muslims countries are better than the US because its not.

Well now you are RIGHT.I dont say otherwise.But what you said was ''muslims'' not ''muslim governments'' That's why i kept talking about it
I was talking about this.Its about the culture.European or Turkic muslim countries build their countries on freedom while Middle Easterns (except Lebonan,Iraq) build their countries on religion.If USA was a christian-religious country it would be just like Saudi Arabia because there are tons of killing verses in Bible too

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2 hours ago, David Rose said:

You're legitimately mentally ill and are actually so much worse than any of the people you are condemning, because you are blind to your own tragically misguided views and then have the audacity to come at other people for doing the exact **** you yourself do. You're a hypocritical, brainwashed psychopath. I'm a university educated person, just FYI. And I do follow and read up on world events very closely. The very problem is people like you who eat up what the media tells them and can't formulate an educated opinion outside of that bubble. You are exactly what you wish others NOT to be. You are the definition of uneducated and narrow minded and try to play it off like you know **** when you know nothing apart from what the masses tell you.

The only person you are dragging to filth is yourself you miserable fucktard.

Thank you for describing yourself. In addition not only are you defending terrorism but now disrespecting people with mental health.
Wow... and you say you're educated and know what you're talking about? I'm also a student. I just finished my final year and I'm now going to do a masters degree. So spare me your attempt to come across like your education means jack **** here when you're defending terrorism and behaving like you didn't have an upbringing. If you wanna avoid, disregard and be in complete denial of hard facts that the whole world is aware of... that is your problem.

You are truly ******* shameful and disgraceful beyond measure for attempting to silence people for being dead honest about
Israeli's crimes and atrocities against innocent children, families and lives. The fact that you can't even form an argument, facts, evidence and that you're avoiding every single thing I have mentioned pretty much shows how afraid you are of what I have to say.  **** you and **** your delusion and ignorance. You are the very reason why so much hate is in this world. You clearly need serious help and I pity the living **** out of you.

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Some people in this thread making it about religious, hate, or any other thing besides the fact that it waa wrong and sick and has no excuse for it to happen. Drop the arguments and who's right who's wrong ****. People died point period blank. We all need to stick together and spread love and quit distracting us from what matters which is lost innocent people. Leave the petty arguments out of here and just show your support. This world is sick enough

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34 minutes ago, David Rose said:

Are you trying to say that the Palenstinian countries you are defending haven't taken innocent lives? Haven't engaged in backwards political policy? Haven't ******** in the name of their religion? Even if the Israeli government is corrupt on some level, tell me a country in the Middle East that isn't. Please share your infinite wisdom, oh blessed one.

They haven't ******** for religion. They have fought back at Israel for ********* their people
and taking away their homes over a ******* holy book telling them a certain part of soil from so many years
ago belongs to them. Period.

Palestine defended itself. When a country terrorises your country, family and homes... you do what is necessary to defend yourself.
What dumb, simple-minded garbage you are tbqfh. You're utter filth. 

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4 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

They haven't ******** in religion. Israel has. Fact.

Palestine defended itself. When a country terrorises your country, family and homes... you do what is necessary to defend yourself.
Dumb, simple-minded garbage you are. 

Palestine defended itself by sending rockets in heavily populated pedestrian areas and shielded themselves with palestinians while Israel targeted the terrorists and provided protection for it's citizens, opposite of what he terrorists did. You forgot that part.

I also don't think Israel shouts god's name before they attack the terrorists.

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3 minutes ago, Body ache said:

Palestine defended itself by sending rockets in heavily populated pedestrian areas and shielded themselves with palestinians while Israel targeted the terrorists and provided protection for it's citizens, opposite of what he terrorists did. You forgot that part.

I also don't think Israel shouts god's name before they attack the terrorists.

Do you really belive that Israel just kills terrorists? :zoomzoom:

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11 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

Well now you are RIGHT.I dont say otherwise.But what you said was ''muslims'' not ''muslim governments'' That's why i kept talking about it
I was talking about this.Its about the culture.European or Turkic muslim countries build their countries on freedom while Middle Easterns (except Lebonan,Iraq) build their countries on religion.If USA was a christian-religious country it would be just like Saudi Arabia because there are tons of killing verses in Bible too

But muslim countries are made up of muslim people. :moorangu: And the US could never do such a thing because there would be backlash from it's citizens, but the majority citizens in muslim countries are okay with what their countries stand for so they do nothing and the christians, jews, women, and gays have nothing to do but to hide or flee.

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1 minute ago, Body ache said:

Palestine defended itself by sending rockets in heavily populated pedestrian areas and shielded themselves with palestinians while Israel targeted the terrorists and provided protection for it's citizens, opposite of what he terrorists did. You forgot that part.

Why are you lying? You're actually lying right here.

Israel terrorised Palestine. Period. Palestine did everything to defend itself. If you think Palestine is bad for retaliating when
Israelis were destroying their homes, lives, raping Palestinian children and women and terrorising its land... then you're more ****** up than I thought.

You're disgusting and ignorant beyond measure. Stop proving how confused and heartless you are. Its sickening on a day like this.

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12 minutes ago, Kiiddy said:

They haven't ******** for religion. They have fought back at Israel for ********* their people
and taking away their homes over a ******* holy book telling them a certain part of soil from so many years
ago belongs to them. Period.

Palestine defended itself. When a country terrorises your country, family and homes... you do what is necessary to defend yourself.
What dumb, simple-minded garbage you are tbqfh. You're utter filth. 

So you justify palestine targeting innocent citizens?

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