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Found 2 results

  1. When I say ‘stan’ top 5 I mean these are the 5 artist you would stan if the one above didn’t exist. So I’ll go. My top 5 artist of all time (or my stan top 5) 1. Britney Spears 2. Taylor Swift 3. Miley Cyrus 4. Mariah Carey 5. Lana Del Rey GO!
  2. I swear people pick celebs to stan as if they are picking a character in an RPG (role playing game). They see their choice of which celebs to stan as an extension of themselves because they have this image of themselves that they want to project to others. They become identities, and we all know how vigorously people will defend their own identities. Without trying to get too big here, I think the 2010s will be defined by identity politics and the increased number of ways we can define ourselves which is of course good and bad. Stan culture is just one of the many new ways people are choosing to define themselves. Stan culture is so unhealthy for a number of reasons but namely that we forget our faves are humans, too. We treat them like untouchable gods or objects belonging to everyone, but when they show themselves for being flawed humans like the rest of us we discard them. Then it won't be long till we place someone new on that pedestal. It's kinda vicious. I wonder if we, as a society, will ever move away from worshipping celebrities ? I follow a bunch of fan accounts for TV shows that I like and these people have slowly morphed from just standard fans of the show to people who treat the actors like they're their friends. You know how some people see Taylor Swift as their friend / sister? That, except worse... There's this one girl and she goes to like ten of those Comic Con type things a year and does a cosplay each time. There's this group of actors that she always meets, and then one in particular, to the point where they all know her name, her job, family issues, etc and it's so damn weird to me.
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