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Found 1 result

  1. Hey guys! I'm fairly new here and don't mean to be a Debbie Downer but I've been struggling a lot lately. I've lurked on breatheheavy on & off for a while (actually since 2020) and between that time a lot has happened that led to me being under probation just this year. I don't want to share the details but all I'm going to say it is going to be for a long time and being of a young age it is difficult to accept it. It's so difficult because I had to move out of the place I was living in and now live with my father who is rather distant and have limited interaction and restrictions due to being under probation. I also have an ankle monitor. I feel like a caged animal and so lonely! My health isn't the best either (mental health and liver and kidney problems) and I feel even more sad because of that. I work (actually have 2 jobs)but on and off which is embarrassing because I never tell them the exact reasons why I miss work, it's so humiliating! They don't know what's going on with me and I don't know what the outcome could be. I don't want to be fired. The person I'm close to the most is my mother but I can't even see her that much anymore. To be honest I don't know the point of this thread, I just wanted to express how lonely and hopeless I'm feeling. I'm sure some of you are also going through a similar thing and I just want to connect a little bit. My phone will also be taken away at any point (this year or beginning of next) so I'll only be here for a short time. The internet has kept me a little connected and appreciate it and pop forums/forums in general. I don't have social media and being anonymous is mostly my M.O. I appreciate your kindness even if anonymous and distant. Whatever helps right now.
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