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Found 2 results

  1. We stumbled upon that exact idea on today’s Morning Rat Race while East Side Dave was wrapping up the Celebrity Police Blotter And Injury Report… The first part of the story is hilarious. TMZ reported that an Iranian magazine based in California put a picture of Britney Spears and her new husband on their cover. He is Sam Asghari, born in Tehran, Iran, Sam is of Persian decent. Persian culture dates back to 550 B.C. But… I stumbled on a possible different spin off out of this whole thing… And that is that this particular magazine has a huge following among Americans of Persian descent and a big following world-wide as well. Including in Iran itself. Which means an American pop star is being shown in positive light to the Iranian people! This doesn’t happen, EVER! Could Britney Spears be the beginning of warming relations between our two countries? Think about it: We’ve had problems with Iran ever since the revolution and the Iranian hostage crisis… If Britney Spears is the link that warms over decades of icy cold relations between our nations… the results could be fantastic! For starters, let’s get Diplomat Spears over there to work out that nuclear deal. She’ll wrap them around her finger in a minute at the bargaining table! And: What about all that oil that Iran is sitting on? More Iranian oil flooding the marketplace would likely drop the price of a gallon of gas a lot! Every time you fill your tank for less than a buck, you’ll have Britney to thank! Video at Source : https://wrat.com/2022/06/24/britneyspears/
  2. Hello everyone, It's probably old news but I couldn't help myself sharing this. There's this website : https://melovaz.net/ which is a streaming website for music from Iran and it got interesting alternative covers... they simply remove or blur womans on album covers. So it's very weird to see, I think it's some king of censoreship/being worried about the influence the image could have on people ? Kinda like those countries that "dress up" woman showing too much skin on album covers ? Some might think that it looks better that way for some album covers but it's concerning for woman in general. It's not just censoring the way they dress up, it's actually erasing them from the cover. Even headshot covers are censored. There's not a single image of woman on the website. Is there Iranian exhalers that know about this ? Is it a cultural thing ? What's going on ? They even erased Britney from the 2020 Glory cover, it's just desert now. I'm actually speechless and don't know what to think since I'm not very familiar with this culture. What do you guys think of this ? Does anyone have an idea why ?
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