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  1. -----Update March 2, 2022-------------------------- Tri star’s motion to quash is back on the calendar, which means they aren’t settling out of court. This a slight disappointment for me Bc I had assumed off calendar=out of court settlement, which IMHO, means a faster conclusion. Timing is the more relevant factor IMHO. The fraud and stealing are so blatant that the conclusion is inevitable —it’s a matter of “when?” not “if.” The ONLY logical strategy for Tri Star is to delay, which is the purpose of this motion to quash, IMHO. But Britney and Rosendaddy clearly have a much larger strategy at play and I cannot wait to watch it play out. We are all grateful to Rosendaddy—his last filing gave the public the transparency needed to conclude that fraud/stealing was a major component of Britney’s CONservatorship. I know Breathe Heavy already knew this ^^; but now it is the consensus opinion for the general public as well. -----Update Jan 17, 2022-------------------------- The Jamie Lynn narcissism tour was intended to be a distraction from the Tri-Star accounting motion that was supposed to be heard on Jan 19. This motion was the one taken off the calendar, which is likely very positive for Britney’s case. Rosengart is doing a great job, and Breathe Heavy helped, IMO. So now, JL is just being dumb JL…this no longer is to the benefit of Tri-Star because Tri-Star no longer needs a smoke screen for the Jan 19 hearing. I will post an update to the Accounting topic on Friday. If you have comments, questions, additions to the update, please respond by quoting this post (this will help me test a hypothesis about BH’s SEO). These are the things I plan to discuss in the update: Lou Taylor is not a mastermind. She is just a bookkeeper who lies. Rosengart will have plenty of receipts to track Lou Taylor or Robin Greenhill’s wrongdoings. The opposite is true for Larry Rudolph, who is just as evil as Lou and Robin IMO, but he knows how to avoid a paper trail. Fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion-->the basic about financial crimes and why the IRS or SEC might be a more immediate threat to Tri-Star than Britney and Rosengart. Which motion was taken off the Jan 19 calendar, why, and what does it mean? Why is this a good thing for Britney? How does the relate to Tri-Star’s accounting and Justice for Britney? How I think the Breath Heavy community made a positive impact for Britney’s case; and how we can continue to make a positive impact in the Justice for Britney phase. Why someone like Lou Taylor or Tri-star would even care about a website like Breathe Heavy (versus Reddit, Twitter, or court documents) Larger implications for the public airing of Tri-Star’s accounting and how this could potentially impact Tri-Star’s clients, like the Kardashians and Jenners (if they are still working with Lou) Why any potential misdeeds of Larry Rudolph, Robin Greenhill, and Lou Taylor would be more sinister than white collar financial crimes, and how/why the wrongdoing should be considered a mechanism for enforcing involuntary servitude. -------Original post-------------------------- Loucifer’s accountings reviewed—everything you thought was true, is probably true (allegedly). I’ve uploaded an annotated version of the Twelfth Account Current—anyone who is craving Britney content or ways to kindle their flame of righteous indignation toward Loucifer and the Cali court systems, needs to read it. AKA everyone needs to read it. Link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f8RYFZiT59-p5AjB5ZBNX4WiFahG1OZe/view?usp=sharing I took a day off work to go through Brit’s accountings—I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. Accounting filings usually have allll the tea because their function is to provide transparency; this is the primary oversight mechanism for the Courts. Britney’s accountings, however, have been skillfully designed to avoid transparency—this is enabled through the Court’s latitude and incompetence. Essentially, the Court allowed team CON to make its own accounting rules and to redact any information required to assess financial improprieties. The ONE thing that the accounting filings made clear is the severity of Brit’s situation. Friends, this is a clear-cut case of involuntary servitude through legal coercion. …I have a lot of takeaways that are much more light-hearted from the accountings; but right now I’m a bit emotionally drained. I’ll have to post interesting findings later. In the meantime-read the accounting document!! Be informed ahead of the next hearing! The document is much more fun than my sad rant above. Required CYA disclosure: this is all opinion. None of this is advise…blah blah…I’m not your lawyer, doctor, astrologer, etc. so don’t take advice from me or from anyone on the internet. Insert allegedly after every word.
  2. Update Feb 23, 2022: Why do you think Britney reviles Lou Taylor and Robin Greenhill? Because they tried to kill her. Gotta say, this is a great reason to revile someone. ------------------------------------------------- What are things that Lou Taylor did or allegedly did to earn the ire of the Britney fandom? LIMITED TIME ONLY: You give me a reason that LouLou is disliked, and I'll match it to a receipt. Receipt collecting is an annoying and time consuming...but I'll do it for you because I'm feeling a strong Revengeney mood toward Lou Taylor / Tri star right now. What is in it for you? Sweet satisfaction from being right. Also, the end result is a google searchable, organized, receipted thread of Lou Taylor / Tri Star's misdeeds. This is the type of content that could help inform Tri Star's clients about the risks of using Tri-Star as a business manager. At the very least, the Kardashians and Jenners will know why Britney fans are digging through every detail of their financial lives. It's because of what Lou did to Britney. Give me things to receipt! i might not have time to reply tonight..but i have lots of meetings tomorrow...and this is a perfect "pretend i'm paying attention to the useless meeting" activity for me. Ignore everything below and gimme gimme more things to receipt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because the picture of Lou and Robin at the superbowl really annoyed me...I'm going to post instances from Britney Spears' old conservatorship accountings showing times Tri Star, Lou Taylor, or Robin Greenhill either (1) lied, (2) mismanaged finances, (3) stole. This is all directly from publicly available court docs. Lou/Tri-star claims it only got involved with Britney's finances about a year after the CONservatorship was established. This is FALSE. The 2011 accounting shows that Tri-Star charged for services relating to the 2004-2009 time period for administrative fees. This either means they were providing services relating to the 2004-2009 period, or charging a fee for money Tri Star loaned to the Conservatorship...either way, Lou Taylor would have been more than a "listener" when the CON was established...referencing Ronan and Jia's New Yorker article “…Jamie and Lou Taylor consulted lawyers about establishing a conservatorship for Spears. (Harder, Taylor’s lawyer, said that on the calls Taylor was ‘more of a listener than a contributor.’)” There are lots more receipts. Y'all tell me what you want me to drag up. What are the most egregious things that Tri Star, Lou Taylor, or Robin Greenhill have allegedly done or said? Be specific! I want to annoy them as much as this picture annoyed me. ughhh. grosss allegedly. #BritneySuperSleuths yzauueeaxgcmplx
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