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Bebe Rexha: I could bring down a BIG chunk of this industry…


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In the regular world, when you dislike your job, your boss, your coworkers or the environment you work in, you quit and move on to something else.

In celebrity world, you complain about the challenges you endure while enjoying the luxuries and lifestyle that your so-called grief stricken job has given you. 

So yes Bebe, tear down the industry…the same one that gave you the lifestyle you have. You sure weren’t undermined when you were having success and making your millions.

And people wonder why celebs are so out of touch…

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31 minutes ago, Gypsy Woman said:

In the regular world, when you dislike your job, your boss, your coworkers or the environment you work in, you quit and move on to something else.

In celebrity world, you complain about the challenges you endure while enjoying the luxuries and lifestyle that your so-called grief stricken job has given you. 

So yes Bebe, tear down the industry…the same one that gave you the lifestyle you have. You sure weren’t undermined when you were having success and making your millions.

And people wonder why celebs are so out of touch…

This but we know the industry can be dark. Shady things do happen. So whatever, if she’s going to say she knows **** then just say it 

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