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During the conservatorship when her team would release untouched photos...


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I'm thinking of the 2009 Candies shoot when Britney's team released the original unairbrushed photos from the shoot and it was played off as 'Britney wants everyone to know that she's human and she's not perfect and wants to make a stand against airbrushing etc'. Also when the original shots from the Work ***** video were released before they elongated her legs and torso.

I feel in retrospect the decision to release these images was Jamie's. He wanted to embarrass and humiliate Britney knowing she has hangups about her body. I don't think she wanted those shots to be released at all.

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They would sabotage her all the time. It was a control thing & also aimed to make her look unstable in the media. When Britney wanted Alien as a 3rd single they purposely leaked a badly edited “acoustic” cover & every news outlet picked it up…almost like a negative PR piece.

I would guess whenever she “misbehaved”, they would leak embarrassing things onto the media.

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I don't think it was done to humiliate Britney. In most cases media outlets were speculating on her body with everything she did at the height of the of frenzy around her. Maybe I misremembering but I think on more than one occasion leaks of unretouched Britney made their way out and it was done as damage control to show how little had actually been done and that Britney was "back".

It happened with the Believe perfume print ad, POM video, Candies shoot, TTW Ends video, WB and more. They went too far to create the perfect image but that's with all pop girls of Britney's era, not just her.

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