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Britney shares another dancing reel on Instagram: 🌷🌷🌷


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If she takes her socials as a job to do she is definitely in a need of retirement. Honestly she can do whatever but still i think getting of the socials and live and solve a real problems would be so much better for her. Ofc some of the "fans' will start wining and calling a police to check on her bc she stopped posting.

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2 hours ago, Joel Santos said:

If she had the courage to talk about mental health publicly, I'm sure people would come to understand her side and leave her alone. At least for a while... But unfortunately she doesn't accept that she has a problem and continues to refuse to seek help, even though she has the resources to get the best treatments. And her team shouldn't make any effort to make her improve either. I imagine that it is much more comfortable for them to deal with her the way she is, vulnerable and easily manipulated... It's sad that in this story Britney was the only one who lost... Everyone who hurt her is still there living as if nothing had happened and certainly laughing at her behind her back. I just find it curious how she has so much breath to accuse the paps and random people of conspiring against her, but continues to accept people into her life who continue to maintain contact with those who destroyed her life.  Cade has been seen with Larry on several occasions, and Larry clearly has contact with Lou. Cade and Lou must meet too, off camera. But for Britney that's no big deal. What really bothers her is that people see her without a filter.



I Agree 100%.

Britney the way she is now make it easier for them to do whatever they want, lie and manipulate her. 

I asked yesterday how Britney still didn't connect the dots with Cade and Bryan... she is very isolated, who is selling her info? How her mother knew about chateau episode before everyone else? 

She really didn't think Bryan would spill details about their vacation to Lynne?

Britney said a friend called the papz and she found out... her only friend is Cade. Why she still trust this man?

I don't know if Britney can make any judgements right now, but her complaining about certain people and still be close to others as shady... it doesn't make any sense.

If Britney talked openly about her mental struggles it would be massive and extremely positive for her. It wouldn’t be cool treat her as a bad joke anymore. It really is a big miss opportunity.

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8 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

she probably doesn't care because she knows she's having fun with it and it's not meant to taken seriously. She even said she knows the moves aren't good. So why all this outrage and condescension? 

Then why share with the world? I think she says the moves aren’t great because she’s trying to be humble, but sharing hundreds of such videos publicly for the world to see and saying she portrays a “perfect life” on IG, must mean she actually thinks they’re great. 

All those forced meds and the trauma have clearly affected her perception of reality. 

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26 minutes ago, kittyonstrike said:

Then why share with the world? I think she says the moves aren’t great because she’s trying to be humble, but sharing hundreds of such videos publicly for the world to see and saying she portrays a “perfect life” on IG, must mean she actually thinks they’re great. 

All those forced meds and the trauma have clearly affected her perception of reality. 

Yep, I think she believes she is killing it lol.

Her perception seems way too different than reality.

If it was only one thing, but... The dancing, outfits, repeating, captions. 

I don't think is trolling, she probably thinks there's nothing wrong with her content.

Edited by Dark Willow
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9 hours ago, kittyonstrike said:

Then why share with the world? I think she says the moves aren’t great because she’s trying to be humble, but sharing hundreds of such videos publicly for the world to see and saying she portrays a “perfect life” on IG, must mean she actually thinks they’re great. 

All those forced meds and the trauma have clearly affected her perception of reality. 

If you're admitting the meds she was on altered her, then why are you criticizing her for something that may be an effect of that? 

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2 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

If you're admitting the meds she was on altered her, then why are you criticizing her for something that may be an effect of that? 


The most ironic thing is that if I had to define someone as "erratic" or "crazy", it would be these "fans" who only criticize, hate, and obsess over every little detail of what Britney does. I believe that if we were to run a query on all their posts, we wouldn't find any positive comments, or at least not ones that aren't passive-aggressive. I can't imagine spending my free time on an artist whom I no longer admire or towards whom I only have negative feelings. And while this is a free forum, I think these fans should ask themselves if it's healthy to emanate so much lack of empathy and negativity towards a person who is clearly traumatized for life ,and if she is no longer the Britney that you used to adore, it is not her fault that the mental image that you have no longer fits the reality. 

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6 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

If you're admitting the meds she was on altered her, then why are you criticizing her for something that may be an effect of that? 

Observation does not equate criticism. Learn the difference. 

In fact, I don’t know why I even bother explaining this to you in particular. 

Edited by kittyonstrike
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