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After over 16 years, Britney Spears’ conservatorship case has finally come to an end. There are no more future hearings scheduled in the case.


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On 6/28/2024 at 10:27 PM, DiamondCircus said:

No justice, I think it's delusion some think after Rosengart stepped down that Britney is still going to try and get justice.

I think her settling was so she could just move on, I don't see her wanting to spend another 10 years fighting.

Rosengart has stepped down????? I’ve been away from BH and social media for a while. When did that happen??

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i hope britney finds the peace, love, freedom and peace she deserves. the fact that all the people involved in her continuous abuse, exploitation and torture won't face any sort of punishment is beyond aggravating. i have nothing to lose, so i would risk it all in order for her to get the justice she deserves. just another example of the american justice system failing spectacularly.

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