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Britney says she stands with horses than with people


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11 hours ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

I wish she would choose less dangerous hobbies. First jet skis and now horses. Like damage has been done k and let’s not get into it. But Why not rabbits and knitting or roses and holistic remedies.

Are you out of your mind?

Horses are used as rehabilitation therapy for decades... 

Trying to belittle an adult woman for her choices, what a douche you are

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8 hours ago, Dark Willow said:

This was already posted on her instagram before. 

She doesn't need to stay away from people,  just should stop hanging out with criminals and abusers. 

With her recent passive aggressive tone probably the family reunion really flopped.  She back to the "I hate the world" mode.

Girlie now why did you say that out of nowhere? You literally proved her point, no wonder why she picks animals over humans :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:

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20 minutes ago, UnderHisSpell said:

Girlie now why did you say that out of nowhere? You literally proved her point, no wonder why she picks animals over humans :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:

This is what this place has come to now...this poor woman can't even make a throwaway comment without users getting personally offended and butthurt. 

Edited by Gutterguppy
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2 hours ago, MattB92 said:

Are you out of your mind?

Horses are used as rehabilitation therapy for decades... 

Trying to belittle an adult woman for her choices, what a douche you are

Horses take on the energy of the people who ride them. This is risky for her. Period

getting thrown from a horse is extremely dangerous. Do u want Britney thrown from a horse and prescribed pain medication. Again? 

she had a love for watercraft - jet skis. Another extremely dangerous activity. Something really bad came from this activity ok I do not want to go there I’m having a blessed morning and do not want to go there 

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