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7 hour Lou Taylor Expose ... Plans for the conservatorship started in 2005

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5 hours ago, Dark Willow said:

And again, her lawyer didn't know this?

Tri star and Jamie had more power and knockledge than him? 

And this was not relevant for the case.

Britney should have talked.

Vlasov information and everything the journalists from NYT found out... nothing was used, even tho the lawyer claimed he would work with what they found out.

If the court refused Weingarten's wishes then it wasn't all so judge and the system "against Britney".

What the lawyer discovering things from team con helped Britney?

If he had weapons against team con a settlement wouldn’t happen.

Britney's lawyer didn't know what? He couldn't force Jamie and Tri Star to sit for depositions. Only a judge can do that.

How was it not relevant to the case?

Vlasov's information was a main focus point and there were many heated exchanges in court between Weingarten and Rosengart due to Jamie/Tri Star/Black Box trying to gain intel on the specific information Britney had uncovered from Alex Vlasov and ex FBI agent Sherine Ebadi.

A settlement would save Britney public scrutiny in a long drawn out trial where team con could humiliate her.

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6 hours ago, Steel Magnolia said:

Maybe they know that Lou Taylor is just a scapegoat in all this?

Yes, she's a major player...But I wouldn't even consider her the architect of the CON. She was just power-hungry (and stupid) enough to put her name on documents that were eventually made public.

Lou Taylor is the "middleman," imo. She controlled Jamie Spears via religion, but her true function was to act as a conduit who enabled those in positions of real power (Live Nation, Sony, CAA) to run the show. There would be no need for the CON if Britney's entertainment contracts didn't require her to be in it to begin with.

Live Nation, Sony, CAA and their network of entertainment lawyers (Howard Weitzman, Gary Stiffelman and the Ziffren firm, Blair Berk, Larry Rudolph, etc.) are the true architects. And they need to be held accountable.


Lou Taylor is definitely a middleman.

I am aware of Irving Azoff, Larry Rudolph, CAA and Live Nation/Ticketmaster but I don't understand where Sony falls into all of this?

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1 hour ago, Lola2790 said:

A settlement would save Britney public scrutiny in a long drawn out trial where team con could humiliate her.

Sorry,  but this is just a bad excuse. The settlement was terrible for Britney, it made her look like she gave up because they had no proof. The media spread the idea she had to pay to her father lawyer at the end...

She can't be forced to testify, but what would team con do? Talk about her allegedly mental illness? Make new questions?

A lawyer can prepare his client, Britney wouldn’t be there without any prior training. 

Even if Britney was the one who decided to end this... she only got her freedom (which would happen with any lawyer after the first testimony), nothing else. But Britney always said she wanted justice.

It was always weird how her lawyer didn't want her to speak again at all... he even said one day it was his decision, to not make her feel bad... we don't know if Britney agreed with his decision tho.

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13 minutes ago, Dark Willow said:

Sorry,  but this is just a bad excuse. The settlement was terrible for Britney, it made her look like she gave up because they had no proof. The media spread the idea she had to pay to her father lawyer at the end...

Again, why go to a trial and waste millions more in the probate court?

Demanding justice in a court system that trapped you in a conservatorship for 13 years? You think that same court would give her justice and accept accountability?

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11 hours ago, Lola2790 said:

Lou Taylor is definitely a middleman.

I am aware of Irving Azoff, Larry Rudolph, CAA and Live Nation/Ticketmaster but I don't understand where Sony falls into all of this?

Sony is the worst of them all, imo.

It's particularly suspicious that they've been left out of the conversation. :angietea_angelina_jolie_tea_sips_coffee_mug_cup_drink_spilling_spill:

Live Nation didn't exist when the CON was created. That came later when Ticketmaster and Live Nation merged.

When the CON was created, it would have been her record label, Jive (Sony), with whom Britney had a 360 contract. It would have been Jive who Britney was "screwing" by refusing to do promo for Blackout. It would have been Jive that Britney was screwing by refusing to go on a Blackout world tour.

It was Jive who Britney was engaged in a $17-million IRS audit with at the time the CON was created.

Britney's record label had a chance to speak out and support her during the launch of Blackout, but instead, they remained silent as she spiralled. Jive also had a chance to intervene in the run-up to the '07 VMA's, but they allowed her entertainment lawyer, Gary Stiffelman at Ziffren, to put her on stage that night. And they said nothing when Gary Stiffelman, Howard Weitzman, Blair Berk and the other entertainment lawyers colluded to put her in a conservatorship.

It's now Sony who is pushing Britney to record B10 before she's ready. 

Blaming Irving Azoff for the conservatorship is like forcing a square peg in a round hole, imo. Yes, I'm sure he strongly influenced the long-term goal of getting Britney on stage in Vegas. I 100% agree with that.

But Britney's record label had the most influence in February 2008.

The fact that Jive/Sony is continuously left out of the conversation feels very much like it's by design.

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5 hours ago, Steel Magnolia said:

Sony is the worst of them all, imo.

It's particularly suspicious that they've been left out of the conversation. :angietea_angelina_jolie_tea_sips_coffee_mug_cup_drink_spilling_spill:

Live Nation didn't exist when the CON was created. That came later when Ticketmaster and Live Nation merged.

When the CON was created, it would have been her record label, Jive (Sony), with whom Britney had a 360 contract. It would have been Jive who Britney was "screwing" by refusing to do promo for Blackout. It would have been Jive that Britney was screwing by refusing to go on a Blackout world tour.

It was Jive who Britney was engaged in a $17-million IRS audit with at the time the CON was created.

Britney's record label had a chance to speak out and support her during the launch of Blackout, but instead, they remained silent as she spiralled. Jive also had a chance to intervene in the run-up to the '07 VMA's, but they allowed her entertainment lawyer, Gary Stiffelman at Ziffren, to put her on stage that night. And they said nothing when Gary Stiffelman, Howard Weitzman, Blair Berk and the other entertainment lawyers colluded to put her in a conservatorship.

It's now Sony who is pushing Britney to record B10 before she's ready. 

Blaming Irving Azoff for the conservatorship is like forcing a square peg in a round hole, imo. Yes, I'm sure he strongly influenced the long-term goal of getting Britney on stage in Vegas. I 100% agree with that.

But Britney's record label had the most influence in February 2008.

The fact that Jive/Sony is continuously left out of the conversation feels very much like it's by design.


Why do you think Britney didn't say anything really negative about Sony/Jive in her book? We heard over the years stories of her having problems with the label, their singles decisions and other things...

I thought it was interesting she only mentioned briefly how she had to fight for certain things.

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40 minutes ago, Dark Willow said:


Why do you think Britney didn't say anything really negative about Sony/Jive in her book? We heard over the years stories of her having problems with the label, their singles decisions and other things...

I thought it was interesting she only mentioned briefly how she had to fight for certain things.

I suspect Britney withheld the names of anyone likely to be named in either a civil RICO lawsuit or criminal RICO charges.

If I recall correctly, she barely mentioned Larry, and didn't even mention Lutfi once.

Every time she withheld a name I put a silent checkmark beside them. :nynod_miss_new_york_ms_nodding_yes_yas_agree:

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then there's this, which was covered by others too: 


In a fiery legal docs, the pop icon claims the duo have a "romantic relationship." Lou's been married since 1989.

waiting for them to get sued over and over like Britney said she would :tbh_britney_nod_yes_yas_ftr_for_the_record_vma_2008_circus:

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