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Kevin Federline's Attorney - Mark Vincent Kaplan "Only 1 Phone Call Happened Around Mother's Day" "Reconciliations and the reunification of relationships are difficult and take time. They are sometimes complicated and always a lengthy process."

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K Fed's lawyer confirmed with People magazine that it was just 1 phone call around Mother's Day.Β 


Kaplan tells PEOPLE. "And while Kevin supports the boys having a relationship with their mother and is glad that the boys did finally have a phone conversation with her around Mother's Day, the reports that she flew to Hawaii and met with them are inaccurate. That's just not true."

"And the phone call was a good sign and a step in the right direction, but it's a process that takes more than just a phone call to accomplish."


Britney Spears' sons are open to reconciliation after phone call around Mother's Day, with Kevin Federline's lawyer telling PEOPLE that it's a "step in the right direction." The singer's sons Sean...


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2 minutes ago, Kaitlyn Johnson said:

It’s messed up they felt the need to release this after that positive article about them reconnecting. Very gross.Β 

It just goes to show it's not genuine at all with Kevin's lawyer poking his nose in it as if Britney's in a c ship still or as if the boys are babies.

Kaplan confirmed 1 phone call happened like why is he involved? It's not surprising though because Britney being with the criminal housekeeper I highly doubted Sean and Jayden would be running back if she was with Paul.Β 

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