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Watch: Instagramney back in the day!

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3 hours ago, Gewakefie said:

Love this completely agree


also I think that people just have it in their minds that she’s “crazy” 


she’s been dancing and spinning the same way since the start 


3 hours ago, Eternalhouse said:

Exactly. Yeah if she used instagram back then, honestly there wouldn't be much of a difference. I keep saying this but her free style dancing has always been like this. We see it in photoshoots and mv bts. Those are just super glammed up, editted versions that seemed picture perfect. Minus the makeup, hair, outfit, professional lighting, editing, it would be her current posts and I love how she keeps em coming.

Plus the outfit at 03.00! 

I think we just dont really realise what she has gone through and then we forget that some things have not really changed.

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I know you have all the best intentions with this thread, and it's cute. however if you want to prove a point that nothing's changed about her then you're deluded, D - E - L - U - D - E - D, and I struggle to understand why to be honest, no offense.

she's a completely different person these days, it's honestly weird and sometimes creepy what she posts, and yes, it does make you wonder about her mental state (and rightly so after what the poor soul had to endure for so long). let's normalise being able to admit that!

yet I'm a huge fan, she's given me great years of entertainment growing up, and she'll always have a little place in my heart. but please, PLEASE, let's stop with this bull**** that nothing has changed and she's still the same adorable cute goof ball she's always been. like, for what?!


fanatic trolls in 3... 2... 1... 😩😩

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Yall are absolutely delusional by implying her dancing and spinning back in the day somehow is the same as what is happening right now. Back in the day it would be considered her goofing around and we could always point to her otherwise coherent spoken thoughts and amazing dancing skills to prove that she was joking around. Now she's dancing erratically, looking unkept, dancing with knives, exclusively uses a baby voices and never her real talking voice, writes incoherent rambly captions and I could go on. please stop. 

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56 minutes ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:

Britney's brand is tainted beyond repair so it doesn't really matter anymore... perhaps 2 years ago would've been wise to change her password and delete her instagram forever but now it's pointless...the 30K likes she gets nowadays because the GP just see her unkept hair,  make up and scrolls the **** down.

Oh no!!! Not her brand!! Not the gp!!!!

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The point of this thread was not to call each other names.

I just watched the video and at that mark Britney was being Britney.

As those 10 secs didn't mean that she was like that, because we had her performances a year before as a back up to prove,  the short insta clips also dont prove that this is all what she does. 

She did write a book while posting her videos.

People go through hard times, this doesnt mean they are not the same person anymore.


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Sorry but those spins and silly dancing are NOT the same as this:


AT ALL. :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:


However, I won't call her crazy or anything because I'm sure that's just a little portion of her life and we don't really know what's going on. But I hope everything is getting better for her, trauma will not disappear just like that. :tired_so_there_head_tilt_annoyed_see_rose_mcgowan:

Edited by tommy_boy
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4 minutes ago, Almost Mystical said:

If Britney were set on back to performing, I bet we get her the same way Primeney goes. She never change, always brilliant, kind, and energetic. 

I think she would put her foot down if she came back about getting it her way!

She would remix and alter a lot of her songs and would create a show that u would feel the Britney vibe!

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back in  they day says the caption

see what i did there

its kinda true

Britney does not have to please they tho

i bet Instagram videos still make her happy these days. and why do we have to subdue it with all this criticism

plus her instagram style shows no signs of stopping. our criticism doesnt change a F thing

Edited by FullyDattAndDatt3full
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1 hour ago, FullyDattAndDatt3full said:

back in  they day says the caption

see what i did there

its kinda true

Britney does not have to please they tho

i bet Instagram videos still make her happy these days. and why do we have to subdue it with all this criticism

plus her instagram style shows no signs of stopping. our criticism doesnt change a F thing

OMG cant believe I did this mistake! :embarrassed_britney_2007_red_hide_ashamed_cover:

But I kinda like how u interpreted it!

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